
A journey through the wild ride of being a first time mother

You can read every book on the shelf about being a parent and what to expect with your new baby, but the only true preparation is experiencing it first hand.

Monday, May 20, 2013

Product Review

I stole this photo from my Salon's FB page. I didn't get a chance to take own.

I like most other people LOVE salon products and how well your hair turns out when the stylist is styling it. However, my bank account doesn't like me spending insane amounts of money on hair stuff.

The salon i go to Bittersweet Salon and Tanning and they posted Redken hairspray Control Addict 28 for sale the other day. I know it is the hairspray my stylist uses on my hair when she does it. I usually just buy the "cheap" $7 i found that works for me. As much as i wanted one i had to stop and think about it for a minute (i am not supposed to really be spending any money right now). 
After much deliberation i decided to go for it. They were on sale for $10 so i would only be spending $3 more then normal.

I love it. This past weekend I straightened my hair and then was outside all day at Jason's softball tournament and it was wet and rainy. I brought the bottle with me for fear that i was going to have to apply it many times to keep the frizz down from being in the damp air (which is what i normally would have to do in the rain). I put some on first thing in the morning before we left the house and had my hood on and off the whole time we were outside and when i got in the car to check out the "damage" at the end of the day my hair still looked exactly as it had when i left the house. AND i my hair didn't feel all hard and sticky or like i was wearing a helmet like it does when i use some of the other hairsprays.

I was impressed and in hooked instantly. I tried it today on my curly hair and so far it is working out well. I still have lots of volume to my hair (I like big hair) and the frizzies are being kept at bay which is sometimes almost impossible.

I suggest everyone go out and get yourself a bottle. If this stuff works on my hair it is guaranteed to work for you.

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