
A journey through the wild ride of being a first time mother

You can read every book on the shelf about being a parent and what to expect with your new baby, but the only true preparation is experiencing it first hand.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Unmotivated week

This week hasn't been the greatest. I am slacking on taking pictures and not feeling any motivation to blog. Seems like a lot of the people i have had to deal with are just asking the stupidest questions and i cant help but shake my head.

Last week i took Kendall to the eye doctor for a check up. It originally wasn't supposed to be until the end of July but every now and then i would look at her and her eyes and they would look crossed. So i freaked out a little bit and made them get me an appointment sooner (they tried to tell me he was booked out until September but funny they had an opening for us just 2 days later).

Turns out i freaked out for nothing, go figure. It is natural for her eye to still cross sometimes which is why he says she needs glasses. Her other glasses were too small so she didn't like to wear them cause they hurt her head and since the surgery her prescription has changed.

Even in this pic her eyes look a little crossed but i think it is just the angle.

She was really excited cause she got to pick out her own glasses and they arrived in the mail yesterday. She hasn't work her other glasses in several months so she was a little hesitant to want to wear these but so far she has taken to it well and after a few more days it will seem normal for her to wear them again. What the doctor said is that she has trouble with close up stuff. I am still not 100% convinced she needs them. Her eyes are still developing so yes she may not see perfectly with out glasses but she hasn't worn them in months and didn't seem to have any problems then. Plus I watch her individualize things and pick just which snack she wants out of a container. She probably will not have to wear them forever and she sees far away just fine.

Happy Thursday friends. Tomorrow is finally Friday and i am soooooo looking forward to a weekend home, the next few weeks are going to busy.

Monday, June 24, 2013

Kids Say The Best things

The words that come out of my child's mouth sometimes surprise the heck out of me. It is hilarious listening to her talk. I may be biased because ya i am her mom but i feel that for her age she is very advanced in her speech. 

Her most famous saying is " I want someting else pease" she eats non stop. She isnt big on sitting down for a meal unless she is starving but she would snack all day long if i let her.

This morning while getting ready for work I was blow drying my hair and she asked that i do hers too. So she flipped her head upside down like i do so i could blow dry her already dry hair.

After the blow drying we had this conversation:

Kendall: "Mommy you pretty like me"
Me: "aww thanks Kendall"
Kendall: "No Mommy you not pretty like me"
Me: "What am I pretty like then?"
Kendall: "You pretty like a cow!" (giggling uncontrollably)

Really?!?! Like a cow? Thanks Kendall.

And while we were making her chocolate milk this morning she was sitting on the counter by the fridge and just blurts out "I LOOOVVEEE magnets!"

She is such a hoot.

We spent another fun weekend at softball where Jason's team took 3rd. The weather turned out to be pretty perfect and Kendall had a lot of fun running around with the other kids. She is still a little too young for me to feel comfortable just running all over unsupervised. She thinks its funny to just run off sometimes so i have to do a lot of running around chasing her but if she is with a friends they usually stay around pretty close and just walk around holding hands. 

The best thing about these tournaments is that after a while and going every weekend you get to know everyone and people will help you out if need be. Like stopping your child when she is running away and they see you chasing after her (this happens quite often).

It is only Monday but i am already looking forward to this upcoming weekend because i have nothing planned and i can stay home and just relax and catch up on the pile of laundry that keeps getting bigger.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

The ABC's of me

Thanks for the tag Prairie Princess Go over and check out

A. Attached or Single? Attached. As of now Jason and I have no plans to marry but we have been together 2 1/2 years
B. Best Friend? Hmmm, i would have to say Ashli and Toni
C. Cake or Pie? Cake for sure

D. Day of Choice? Saturday! I love getting to spend good quality time with my little family
E. Essential Item? Water...if i dont drink it i get a raging headache and feel really yucky so i drink LOTS
F. Favorite Color? right now i am really liking ALL neon colors. They make me happy

G. Gummy bears or worms? definitely bears

H. Hometown? Corvallis, Montana
I. Favorite Indulgence? Pasta or brownies. Its kind of an odd combination but i dont eat either very often so when i do its amazing.

J. January or July? I kind of like them both. I like January for the football and i like July for the warm weather
K. Kids? 1 Kendall Mckenzie, she is the best!
L. Life isn't complete without? Kendall, i love her to death and couldnt imagine her not being around

M. Marriage Date: N/A
N. Number of Brothers and Sisters? 2 sisters and 1 brother- I am in the middle
O. Oranges or Apples? i am undecided on this one. I like them both equally. My favorite fruit is grapefruit though

P. Phobias? spiders, bugs, snakes blood
Q. Quotes? Everything happens for a reason
R. Reasons to Smile? When Kendall says "bless you" when someone sneezes, it really is the cutest thing ever.

S. Season of Choice? Fall, because it's crisp in the mornings and evenings, but warm during the day (i am stealing your answer Nicole, I like it).
T. Tag 5 people:  Not gonna lie i cant think of anyone to tag that hasnt already done this.....i am a small blog
U. Unknown Fact about Me: I like do to things that will make me happy. Because making them happy makes me happy.

V. Vegetable? I do love most veggies except for broccoli, cauliflower and brussel sprouts. 
W. Worst Habit? procrastinating
X. X-Ray or Ultrasound? Ultrasound

Y. Your favorite food? Pasta!
Z. Zodiac Sign? Scorpio

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

I scream, you scream....

...we all scream for ice cream!!

Sunday was so hot and i really wanted to go get ice cream but was so tired from all the softball that we just stayed home and relaxed.

Monday at work my sister texted and asked if I wanted to take Kendall to Dairy Queen. I jumped right on that and we all went and got blizzards.

They were really good but the do not make them like they used to. I remember you could get big huge chunks of candy and that was the best part. Now you are lucky if you get anything more then little tiny broke up pieces. I think they need to change their policy and add in more goodies.

Kendall is actually not a really big fan of ice cream. She will eat a few bites and that's it, which is weird to me. We got some french fries to go with it and she loves dipping them into her ice cream and eating it that way.

We took almost her whole ice cream home. She only got a mini blizzard but that is more then enough for her. I should have got her a cone instead, but whats the fun in that.

I really enjoy going and doing things like this with her. Its a lot of fun for us to get to spend that special time together. It seems like we are always on the go or she is at daycare and i am at work. So getting to go somewhere and just relaxing for a few minutes is a nice treat for us. Plus I really try to stay away from ice cream.

Monday, June 17, 2013

Battin' For Boobies

This weekend was so much fun. First off I want to give a big shout out to my friend Toni for watching Kendall all day long Saturday for me. She had so much more fun playing with her daughters then she would have at softball that day.

For our first corec tournament of the year we did awesome. Every team was guaranteed 3 games on Saturday and we won them all. But however since we did so good we got moved up into a higher bracket and ended up losing out Sunday morning. We did however win the toilet bowl and best dressed team.
 Jason and I made the pink shirts, which turned out awesome! I was a little worried they weren't going to be bright pink but they were the perfect color. Jason spray painted our name for the tourney and #'s on all of the shirts.
 Third out that inning got to wear the special wig. We went all out we had pink hats, we all painted our fingernails (even the guys), there was pink leggings, pink shorts, pink capes, pink crowns, tutus, and glasses and wigs and tiaras. There was so much pink i cant even remember it all.
 As much as we would have liked to win the tournament we were there to have fun and support the Tough Enough To Wear Pink foundation and that is exactly what we did. Our prize for best dressed was 2 mini coolers that were pink filled with water bottles and several bags of chips. It is kind of an odd prize but we are happy we won it. 
 There was a professional photographer there taking pictures of all the teams and it seems that there are so many more of our team then the rest of the teams. I think mainly because we dressed up so much more then the other teams. most teams had pink shirts or something pink but we literally went all out. I understand some people not liking pink, but when the tournament is to raise money for breast cancer you suck it up and wear pink.
We were supposed to get a professional team picture at the end of our game Sunday but everyone scattered out of there pretty fast that we didn't get the opportunity to. I am glad i made everyone hang around after our first game Saturday to get one of our own so we can hand them out to our sponsors. Overall it was a great weekend and my body is definitely feeling it today but i am so glad we were able to participate and support a great cause.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

It's OK Thursday

Woohoo the week is almost over, kind of....

We have a co-rec softball tournament this weekend. It is called Battin' For Boobies. It is a fundraiser tournament and all proceeds go towards the Tough Enough To Wear Pink Foundation, which supports breast cancer. I haven't played in a tournament in years, eek! There are 28 teams and there are raffles and door prizes for the people who wear the most pink. So tonight Jason and I are going to be tye dying t-shirts pink for our team to wear. We are going to be all sorts of decked out in pink. It over all it should be a pretty great weekend. I will have to remember to take bring my camera so i can take some pictures.

With out further delay, here is whats OK with me this week... be glad it is raining so i could wear a sweater to work love softball but hate how time consuming it is. This girl has things to do and being gone every weekend is hard. not having a sitter for this weekend and making poor Kendall tag along and behave all weekend long at the fields, we are going to go through a lot of fruit snacks. donating to good causes. I bought raffle tickets from the American Cancer Society and will be donating money this weekend for the tournament. I wasn't expecting to do it, but now that i have it feels good to give. hide in my bedroom in the evenings and watch movies so i am not tempted to snack. getting Jason to be a little crafty and tye dye with me :) this i am kind of excited for. putting off everything i need to do so i can go play softball. I think of it as exercise and that is fine by me. needing to take a "time-out" from being a mom for a little bit last night. feeling overwhelmed, there is a lot going on right now only like to buy things that are on sale. wanting to give Jason his fathers day gift a few days early. also wanting to give Jason his b-day present a month early.

That is what's OK with me this week. Whats OK with you?

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

We all need a little push

Hey friends,

I am checking in for a quick post today. Over the last few days i have gotten several compliments on my trim body. I don't know about you all but this makes me feel great. Although we may not notice a change in ourselves right away after lots of hard work and dedication it pays off. I know i have lost weight but i am still super self conscience. 

When we hear someone else compliment us on how nice you look, it gives us the motivation to keep working towards the final goal. I may not have lost anymore weight since starting back at the gym but building muscles does different things for your body.

So for all you ladies out there who are feeling a little down on yourself for not seeing immediate results even though you have been literally working your butt off for what seems like weeks. You look great and keep up the good work it will all be worth it in the end!

Monday, June 10, 2013

What a weekend

This weekend was spent at softball. Basically when i am not at work i feel like i am either at softball or the gym. When you live somewhere that is cold a majority of the year you have to make the best of the warm months and spend as much time as possible outside.

These pictures are in the wrong order.  

Last night Kendall was practicing her sit ups. She is a silly girl. She would lay on the floor with her hands behind her head and try so hard and then prop herself up on her elbow. It probably wasn't helping her any that she had to have her feet on the jack-in-the-box.

After softball on Saturday we went to the local AAA football game. It was the last of the season and some of our friends (and guys Jason used to play football with) were on the opposing team. Lucky for us they had a bounce house and it was free so Kendall got to have a blast and just jump around forever.

She finally figured out how to jump in it. She will get a couple good jumps in and then lose her balance and do a face plant onto the mat and get up and do it all over again.

Kash even had a lot of fun in the sun this weekend. He such a good patient dog.

Tonight we have our league softball game and this coming weekend is a corec softball tournament, so we will see how that goes. 

Happy Monday friends!

Thursday, June 6, 2013

It's OK Thursday

Its OK Thursday friends. This week I have played insane amounts of softball and it is the only the first week of the season. Between working out and playing softball for a several hours this week my body hates me right now. But at the same time it feels good. 

I played fast pitch all through high school and then a couple years ago filled in on a team and played a few games of corec then i had a kid. I didn't know playing softball could be so hard. At least i don't remember it being this hard but that was back when i was playing every single day for months straight. I thought i was in pretty good shape from going to the gym and doing zumba but man running the bases is hard work.

Anyways, here is whats OK with me this week. stay up later then you planned almost every single day this week. being really irritated about all this house nonsense. If you say you are going to sign the papers 2 weeks ago sign the stupid papers, how hard is it??? call it my house even though it technically isn't my house yet. eat a bowl of cereal for dinner, twice this week. feel bad about asking my sister to babysit, she loves doing it but i feel bad when i have to give short notice. So i am buying her a gift :) request a day off work that happens to be my coworkers birthday, oops. being excited my nail polish on my fingers has lasted 5 days so far. That's pretty good for an at home mani if i say so myself. wishing i could eat lunch at work alone so i could read my book. Some people are just to chatty. stay up to late reading and then regret it in the morning. my new favorite fruit grapefruits. They are sooo yummy but a lot of work to eat and kind of messy. love Kendalls new saying "mom my hair is out of control, you need to brush it"

That is what's OK with me this week. Whats OK with you?

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Yoga ball

Years ago i bought a yoga ball. I didn't really know how to use it so just kind of made up stuff that worked for me. I didn't use it consistently and a few months ago after it had been collecting dust for some time i decided to sell it.

Right after that is when i  started the strength training class and we incorporated the balls into our routine. Once i knew some good things to use it for and how effective it was i really regretted getting rid of mine. Lucky for me they have lots of them at the gym so i can use them there(they also have a chart with tons of different yoga ball exercises).

The key to using the ball is the jerking movements of trying to balance yourself make you engage more of your muscles then you regularly would with standing or laying on the floor doing these exercises.
Try doing push-ups on the ball. Its a great ab and shoulder workout and you can feel it. If you are going to try them i would incorporate them into your routine on a day you don't do arms or else you will barely be able to get through your routine. The easiest way to get started with this one is to lay on it and then walk yourself forwards with your hands until your feet/ankles are on the ball. When you feel balanced start doing your push-ups.

To intensify this a little bit after every push-up tuck your legs up into your chest and then extend them back out and do another push-up. Repeat as many times as you would your normal reps, i try to do 3 sets of 12.

If you have a yoga ball i would definitely look up different exercises you can do with it. Pinterest has tons of them that you could go through. You can work all areas of your body with the ball and all though you may not feel it at first the next day you definitely will.

On a different note, i feel like i am walking like an old lady today. I have only got in 2 workouts so far this week but after my workout Monday i went and played 3 hours of softball. I did lots of running at the gym for cardio because i wanted my leg muscles to be warmed up so i wouldn't pull a muscle while running for softball and then at softball i had to run lots. Then yesterday was leg day so needless to say my legs are really sore and i really want to take a day off but at this point and the fact i am going to have to be wearing a bathing suit soon, taking days off isn't an option.

Monday, June 3, 2013

Little Swimmer

Kendall is having so much fun on her trip with grandpa. Saturday was my Great Grandmas birthday party and she was a little shy during that because there was so many people. But once they got over to my aunts house she took off and knew exactly where she was and why she was there. 

This sweet girl LOVES swimming and playing in the water. Our neighbor has an indoor swimming pool and i am going to have to go ask to see if we can occasionally take her over. One of our good friends works at a hotel in town the a pool and she lets Jason take her in on Saturday mornings if its not busy. 

I am contemplating swimming lessons but that would mean Jason or i would have to take some time off work to take her cause they are during the day. But she sure would love it.

As for me, well i didn't do a whole lot. Friday evening Jason and I had softball practice so we went to that and then went and had dinner with friends. It was nice just being able to go and relax and chat with out having to rush out of there with an antzy child who cant sit still.

Saturday morning was nice not having to get up. I stayed in bed and watched a movie. Then had a wedding for a coworker to go to that afternoon. Afterwards, my mom sister and I rented a bunch of chick flicks and made brownies to eat with our ice cream. It was fantastic just being able to lounge and not worry about anyone. But I do miss Kendall. She is having a blast but I am ready for her to come home.

They should be home tonight around 8:30 but I have softball and probably wont make it back home before she goes to bed which i am kind of bummed about but she will probably be tired and ready to bed.

Happy Monday, hope you all had a great weekend. Next weekend we are back to softball tournaments and have one every weekend for the month of June, it will be busy!