
A journey through the wild ride of being a first time mother

You can read every book on the shelf about being a parent and what to expect with your new baby, but the only true preparation is experiencing it first hand.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Rolly Polly

Not only can Kendall just roll herself over she can now roll herself all the way across the floor. She usually wont do it untill you leave her alone in a room for a couple second and when you come back she will have herself stuck up against the couch or out in the middle of the floor. Kind of defeats the purpose of putting a blanket down on the floor so she doesnt get dog hair all over her. She loves rolling. You lay her down on the floor, she will play on her back for a little while and then flip herself over and push herself up on her arms and try to scoot closer to the toy she wants or whatever is laying close to her, which a lot of the time happens to be the dog. She is also very very close to sitting up she wants to so bad but cant quite yet, it wont be much longer now.

I have been starting to look into a couple daycares for her to go to. I dont want to send her to daycare nor do I want to pay for daycare, but its getting harder and harder to bring her to work with me now that she is so mobile. Just a couple days a week will probably be good and it will get her used to playing with other kids. I hope she doesnt get sick a lot from all the germs. Its been so nice to be able to take her cause i dont want to miss out on anything and I am very happy I have been able to be with her everyday for the last almost 5 months.

Bad Blogger

I have been a bad blogger lately and not posting very often. Things have been so busy now that it is nice outside and summer has finally arrived. We have been spending a lot of time outside and Jason had a softball tournament in Hamilton this weekend (his team got first place) Kendall loved being outside the whole entire weekend, it was a pretty hot out but I kept her in the shade and she had a blast.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Rice Cereal

Kendall loves her rice cereal. Sometimes i can't feed it to her fast enough. Although they lie when they say it will make them sleep through the night. She only wakes up once a night usually but still it would be so much nicer if she decided to sleep all night long. The first time i fed it to her she made a mess all over herself, she wasnt quite sure what to do with the spoon. But she is getting the hang of it now and loves it. I give her a bowl of it in the afternoons and spoon feed it to her and then usually when she goes to bed i mix in a little bit with her bottle just to give her an extra little dose of it to help her sleep better. Its all a learning experience and I cant wait until we are mixing it in with her veggies when she gets to start eating those.

A couple weeks ago we bought her some super cute summer outfits and little rompers, however it still has not been nice enough outsite or warm enough for her to wear any of them. Whenever we go outside i still have to bundle her up in a couple shirts and her sweater and beanie just so she will start warm. But this coming week is looking promising for warmer weather so cross your fingers and hope she gets to wear some of the outfits.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

The dreaded shots!!!

Sorry for the blurry picture, i took it with my phone while Kendall was waiting oh so patiently at the doctor this morning. She turned 4 months last Tuesday but her 4 month appointment was not until today. She is playing more or less eating her bumble bee toy, laying on the exam table cause she wouldn't sit still when i was holding her. She also had her plastic rings she was playing with. She is such a wiggle worm now that she can roll over. She will wiggle so much her head will end up were her feet were and she will spin herself all the way around in a complete circle.

Anyways, she is growing just fine. Her height is finally catching up her her weight. She is 24 1/2 inches long and 16.5 pounds. Her doctor was very impressed with how well she can pull herself up when you hold her arms and help her into a sitting position, and also by how well she stands when you hold her her and how good her balance is when you do this. I even think Kendall rolled over for her and pushed herself up with her arms (she cant hold this position for very long before she falls back down).

She tried her first rice cereal the other day and she loved it, I couldn't feed it to her fast enough. I am going to start giving it to her more and let her get used to it and as soon as she is used to it in a couple weeks we are going to start her on baby food and that will definitely be a fun adventure. this was supposed to be a post about her shots and I totally spaced it, oops, you can tell my mind is elsewhere. She did not like her shots so much. She is laying on the table and you have to hold her arms and kind of distract her and then BAMMM she gets a shot and the look in her eyes is so sad it is heartbreaking cause you know it hurts her so bad. She turned red in the face and held her breath until finally she took a breath and started crying. This went on 3 times, they cant just make everything into 1 shot, no they have to give her 3 separate shots, which total in 5 different vaccines. After the appointment she slept for about an hour and a half woke up, ate and was whiney so i gave her a little Tylenol to make her feel better and she went to sleep about an hour later. Hopefully she doesn't get super sore like she did last time she got shots, she cried every time she had to move her legs. Poor baby :(

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Cuddle bug

Last night after Jason's football game I had the opportunity to go out on the town for a little bit. I got Kendall put in bed and Danielle, her friend, Jason and I all went out for a couple hours. It was nice to go out and see some friends I have not seen in a while. We were only out for a couple hours when we all were tired and decided to go home.

Since we were not out late, Kendall slept the whole time we were gone. About an hour after I went to bed she woke up. Usually when she eats at night, after she is done i lay her on my chest and pat her back and usually get a little burp out of her and she is right back to sleep. Last night she didn't go back to sleep right away and I was really hoping I would have to get up and rock her. She way laying in my bed next to me and was just talking away, she talked for about 5 minutes, I was just laying there watching her. The next thing i know she cuddles into me a little more, lays her hand on my cheek, closes her eyes and fell right to sleep. It was a relief since it was so late and i was tired and wanted to go back to sleep.

Then again today at bedtime she was very sleepy and just layed on the couch with me and fell right to sleep. I am hoping this will be the turning point in getting her to sleep on her own instead of having to walk around and rock. I am crossing my fingers sometime soon I will be able to just lay her down in the crib and she will fall right to sleep.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011


Tomorrow afternoon I am dropping Kendall off with Jason and the dogs and going to go get a massage. I am so excited. It has been forever (last October) since I got one and Jason, for my birthday (in November), got me a gift certificate for 2. I would have used 1 of them sooner but have not had the time. There is also a funny story that goes along with the last time I got a massage. I was 6 months pregnant and still had a really small belly so I decided since i had a coupon for 1/2 off or something i would go get one. I brought a pillow with me and laid on it so I wouldn't be uncomfortable, and then it was time to lay on my back and i figured i would be fine. Well if you didn't know laying on your back while pregnant is not a good idea the weight of the uterus puts pressure on the vein that runs down your spine. So after about 5 minutes i started to get really really hot and was getting nauseous. I had to make the masseuse stop, she turned on the fan for me and i started to cool down but wasn't enough and i was trying so hard not to throw up. She went and got me a garbage can and by the time she got back i felt fine. She didn't have any pillows so we used extra sheets and the small pillow i brought to prop me up so it didn't happen again. The rest of the massage i was fine. So for the next 4 months it was impossible for me to get another one. Then I had a baby and had planned on going and getting one but she refused to take bottles and i couldn't just leave her with Jason if I knew she was going to scream the whole time. Since then i have been busy with work and haven't really had the time. Well tomorrow I finally made the time and I am very excited. It is going to be very nice and relaxing and Kendall and her dad are going to get to spend some good quality time together.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

4 Months

I cant believe that 4 months ago today Kendall was born. It doesnt seem like it has been that long and time is going by so fast. She is the most precious little girl and I love her so much. She is growing up so fast. On Sunday she started rolling over. She doesnt do it a lot but she still does it and she is a wiggly little thing, the only time she sits still is when she is sleeping. Boy is she a chatter box, when she isnt fussy she is smiling and laughing and talks constantly. She pulls herself up into a sitting position but she cant hold it and just falls over, but soon i am sure she will probably be sitting up.

Some things she likes are: Bath time, eating, playing with her purple elephant (its covered in slobber, she is starting to put everything in her mouth), to be wrapped up in a soft fuzzy blanket when its time to go to sleep, taking her morning nap in the swing, the front backpack (she likes to look out and walk around and see whats going on), laying on the floor (since she can roll over now she loves laying on the floor), she is starting to like the car more and more she hasn't had a crying fit in her carseat for quite a while.

We took her on a hike the other day and she likes it a lot, i carried her in the front pack and she eventually fell asleep but she had a good time. The pictures are on my moms camera and I will post them soon.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Paper weight

I have been very lucky that my boss lets me bring Kendall to work with me. Most days she does pretty well and I manage to get a lot of work done, other days not so much. Usually she just hangs out in her bouncy seat or lays on her blanket on my desk. On this particular day she way laying down staring at the light and just fell asleep. Extremely unusual for her to just fall asleep laying there, but her eyes started rolling back in her head and then eventually just fell asleep. She didn't stay asleep long, but once i picked her up and rocked her some she went right back to sleep. Usually she sleeps in her bouncy seat on her side. I did bring a port-a-crib down and tried that out and it worked for about a day and then after that she didn't really care for it, she would lay in it and look out the window but would never sleep in it. Soon she will have to go to daycare but for now she gets to come with me and I am enjoying being able to spend all the extra time with her.