
A journey through the wild ride of being a first time mother

You can read every book on the shelf about being a parent and what to expect with your new baby, but the only true preparation is experiencing it first hand.

Monday, April 29, 2013

Mmm brownies

This is totally not my picture, BUT i didn't take one of my own, oops!

Bongo Bars, better known as the most delicious tasting brownie/cookie ever!!!!

Jason even ate them and he doesn't usually eat desserts.

These were so easy and so good, i will be making them many more times. We were going to a bbq with some friends and i wanted to make something good and after asking Jason and getting his typical "dunno" answer i made him pick something and he said he wanted a chocolate chip cookie cake.

I got on pinterest and after searching for cake recipes and not coming up with anything other then i giant cookie, i searched for Chocolate Chip Cookie Brownies and still had a lot of browsing to do until i saw this gem. This is about as easy as it gets when it comes to baking.

So here is the recipe:

3/4 Cup Butter
2 Cups Brown Sugar
2 3/4 Cups Flour
2 1/2 tsp baking powder
3 eggs
Bag of chocolate Chips
1 tsp vanilla

Melt butter in microwave and add brown sugar so it makes like a paste. Add in the dry ingredients (flour and baking powder) and mix as best as you can. It will seem really dry at this point but don't add any extra liquid. Next add in the eggs and vanilla and mix until kind of blended and then add in the bag of choc chips. The original recipe says DO NOT OVER MIX OR THEY WONT TURN OUT. So just mix it until everything seems incorporated together and then stop.

I used a greased 11x7 glass pan and baked them at 350 for 30 minutes. I did the toothpick test and left it in the oven about 5 more minutes then did it again. It didn't come out clean but i didn't want it to because i still wanted it to have the cookie ooey gooeyness to it.

I hope you guys enjoy these as much as we did.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

OK Thursday

Happy Thursday everyone. Today I am linking up with Brunch with Amber and Prairie Princess for another edition of OK Thursday.  

Here's whats OK with me this week:

...for doing a happy dance in the bathroom because the scale went down another 2 lbs

...for finally hearing back on our house and being under contract (it wont be official until the bank signs but that is happening this week) be paranoid and think what if something happens and now i cant get financed anymore for my house be even more paranoid about buying appliances when everything with the house is still so up in the air skip a week of my 52 week money challenge because i am trying to play catch up with my money in my savings account. having to miss 2 days of the gym for a home-buyers education class that i don't need to take but am taking just in case i need to go another route for the financing. (Taking the class gets you extra money) have actually only learned 1 new thing during the class because you already have encountered everything else they are talking about. Only 1 night left! cancel your Birchbox subscription even though you have only received 1 package and you love it, but it just doesn't fit into the financial plan right now. be irritated that the place you make your car payments to does not have the option for them to be paid online. finally realizing after many failed attempts that i really need to make a budget for myself. I am great with money but need to be more wise about my spending.

That's whats OK with me, whats OK with you?

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Best Aunties and Uncles

Kendall has the best Aunties and Uncles. She doesn't get to see them often but she loves talking on the phone to all of them. We will be lucky enough to have Auntie Boone coming to live with us again at the end of this week.

I was talking to Nicole AKA Prairie Princess earlier today, telling her how i was a little stressed about money since I am planning on buying a house within the next couple of months and how i needed to buy all major appliances for the new house and how I am trying to play catch up from a couple large purchases and to top it all off that Kendall was in need of more clothes.

Next thing i know she is telling me that Kendall will be receiving some packages in the mail next week. I am very grateful for all they do for her. Danielle works in a childrens boutique and got her a bunch of new shoes and random things for her.

Uncle Patrick is going to teach her to drive and all about the animals on the farm and what sounds they make.
 Auntie Boone is going to teach her how to be a silly crazy person who knows how to shop.
 Uncle Dillon is going to teach her how to put up with peoples BS and irritating habits because well they both, i think, intentionally pester each other on purpose.
Auntie Collie is going to teach her how to beat up on people who mess with her (not really) and how to find a good bargain when shopping :)

Jason is an only child (which i think is unfortunate), having siblings at times is very irritating and they drive you crazy but at the end of the day you still love them even though they sometimes torment us on purpose.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Little Miss Diva

The quality of this picture isn't the greatest, but you get the idea.

Every morning Kendall likes to "get ready" for daycare. After she sits and has her chocolate milk with Grandpa she goes potty and then gets dressed. I pick her clothes out, she tries to dress herself but still needs some help. For some reason she cant pull the pants up over her booty, so she will walk around with her pants pulled up all the way in the front but not quite all the way in the back.

She likes to stand on the counter and put her makeup on and brush her teeth. Her new thing is to get her hair done now too. She asks for it to be straightened or put up in a pony. 

Her hair is getting long and its constantly in her face, i don't want to cut it yet, i don't think she needs it cut but i am tempted to so i don't have to worry about it being in her face all the time. It is getting easier to convince her that if we put it in a pony it will stay out of her face and she is ok with that.

I love that she is somewhat girly, I say somewhat because the girl tries to wear her tennis shoes with a dress, she never wants to wear the shoes i pick out for her, she will throw them and say no mom i want my purple shoes. 

As we are finding out she is in a stage right now where she doesn't even want to wear clothes. The other night at some friends house for dinner, not even ten minutes after we got there she came out of the play room with completely different clothes on and a few minutes after that she took her pants off. I would rather compromise with her then fight over wearing pants. So the rule is if she doesn't want to wear pants she has to wear undies and a shirt so she is halfway decent and she isn't allowed to leave the house without pants on. When we are at home i am ok with the no pants thing because with her still being new at being able to use the potty it is easier for her to get just her undies down instead of having to worry about if she will make it or not because she has to take off a lot of clothes.

*** On a side note, I have been taking the home-buyers education class this week, and while i was there last night i got a picture that Kendall now knows how to go in and out of the dog door.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Kash & Kendall

When I originally started looking for a house for my little family we were just going to rent. We looked and looked and kept running into the same problem, the dog. He is a pit bull. He is a great dog, never have we had any problems with him. I was even going as far as telling people i would get references for him. But because he is a pit bull people won't even hear me out. One guy went as far as telling me (not even knowing my financial situation) that if i couldn't come up with $2000 deposit for him, it was a waste of my time calling him). Thanks for the great attitude even if you did like the dog i wouldn't rent from you now anyways!

This brought up the thought of buying a house, its a big commitment and after lots of thought and consideration we decided to just go for it. We wouldn't have to worry about dealing with property managers or homeowners. Now the hard part is waiting for all the paperwork nonsense.

Kendall and Kash love each other, they always have. When we stay at Jason's house she gives him kisses and hugs before bed time. The most dangerous thing on him is his tail, its like a whip. It doesn't even phase Kendall anymore, she gets whacked all the time and just tries to push him away.
 We never made him stay away from her, he has always been around kids and we knew he would be fine.
 They even play at the park together
 He loves kids, he is a gentle player he will lay day on the floor and roll over so they can pet him. He LOVES to play with puppies so since he was a baby Jason always made him lay down when he wanted to play.
 He is like her guard, just watches over her all the time and wants to play.
 This was right after she got burned and was on some pain meds, she just laid around once the medicine kicked in and he would lay with her.
She still tries to sit on him, he doesn't like it as much anymore but he still lets her mess with him.

Our big vicious dog, is really not so vicious, he is a lover. He is so playful and happy all the time. It really does bother me that people judge dogs so fast based on their breed without knowing anything about the dog itself. How big and bad can you look when you are playing with a toddler?

Friday, April 19, 2013

3 Things I Want

After deciding I really like linking up with other bloggers i decided I wanted to start my own. I am going to play around with a few ideas before I make the button and would really like your feedback.

Here is my 1st idea: 

3 Things I Want and Why I Want Them:

 1. A while back i was really into Grey's Anatomy. I had watched the first few seasons on TV and one day got the urge to get caught up. I got on eBay and found the first 3 seasons for way cheap like $18 for all 3 including shipping. I have been buying a new season every time i finish one. After i finished the first 3 i sold them. I just finished season 4 and am halfway through season 5. I found Season 6 was a little spendier on eBay but found it cheaper on Amazon so i bought it there. But now I am in need of season 7. I cant believe I am almost completely caught up.

 2. Ahh popcorn. I love popcorn and we cook it the old fashioned way on the stove, but for some reason i have always wanted an air popper. Its a little healthier because you aren't cooking it in oil.  I think whenever i get my house i will get one.

3. Lastly, there is this beauty. It is a Black (obviously) Fossil Relic. I always really liked the white version but then i saw this and not gonna lie i thought it was pretty freaking awesome and that it was something i needed to have. Best part about it is you can get them on eBay (if you haven't noticed i LOVE eBay) for like $20, they retail about $80 that's not to spendy but i am all about saving money every way i can.

What are 3 things you want?

On a side note : I wrote this post yesterday (Thursday) since then i found the watch for $16 on eBay i couldn't pass that up. And a lady i work with just gave me her popcorn maker which i am uber excited for!!!!

Thursday, April 18, 2013

It's OK Thursday

Please join me for another week of Its OK Thursday. I am linking up with Prairie Princess and Amber again. Here is whats OK with me this week. be bummed that you are not more sore after starting back up at the gym. take your child to the daycare at the gym intentionally so you can subtly let the girl who is staring at your bf and giving you dirty looks know that he is taken. I mean yea I agree its a nice view but its mine :) have accidentally forgotten to pay said daycare worker at the gym, i will just do it tonight. want to browse pinterest all day and not do any work. want to buy every cute purse you see even though you know you really wont use them often. wonder how you are going to share 1 small closet for yours and your bf's clothes when you move into your new house (whenever that may be) still be irritated with the 3rd party who has still not signed off on the offer that you placed on said house that has already been approved by the seller. IT'S BEEN 3 WEEKS!!! not being able to buy a pair of cute pants because they are too big now, score! not be good at keeping secrets. I haven't told anyone yet but that doesn't mean i don't want to. watch the stack of orders you need to put into the computer grow because you are too busy writing a blog post. not be able to eat junk food, all your hard work at the gym will pay off if you just stay on track.

That's whats OK With me this week. Whats OK with you?

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Dare Devil

The other night we went to Grandma Marci's house for dinner. Her sister and mom were in town and since we don't see them very often and Kendall doesn't even really know she is related to them, we try to get together whenever they are here and have dinner. 

Kendall hadn't been feeling good that day, when i picked her up from daycare she had a temp of 101. She wasn't acting sick but you could tell she didn't feel very good. She wasn't interested in eating dinner which is pretty normal.

 Marci finished eating first and Kendall wouldn't leave me alone so they took her 4wheeler out side and decided to ride around.
 This looks like they are riding around in the grass no big deal, but its actually a pretty steep hill up behind the house. Marci would carry the 4wheeler to the top of the hill and Kendall would ride it down. They probably did this 10-15 times before they stopped.
 See that in her pocket, its a "play" cell phone. I always tell her no texting and driving and she seems to think every time she gets on any of her "cars" that she needs to take her phone. She didn't learn it from me, I don't use my phone while i drive.
Despite how she was feeling they had a really good time outside. We finally had to make her come inside when it was getting to cold to be out there.

The kid loves to be outside and i cant wait until it warms up so we can actually enjoy taking her outside and not freezing.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Tasty Tuesday

I kind of realize that a lot of what i have been blogging is not really related to anything Kendall but it is whats going on in my life right now and it seems to be consuming me and making me what to shout out to the world how good i feel about my goals and accomplishments on this weight loss/fitness journey.

I don't have a picture for you mostly because i decided it would look really boring showing you exactly what i eat for lunch almost everyday. Its my go to meal of meat and brown rice. I say meat because i mix it up. Last week i cooked up turkey breast with pesto on it, this week is chicken breast with pesto or i will cook up some deer meat into meatballs.

On Sunday night i break out the handy rice cooker. I have tried cooking brown rice in a pan on the stove and usually by the time its the consistency that i like it, it looks like a big bowl of mush that is not at all appetizing. So I started cooking it in the rice cooker. It takes FOREVER but its not like you have to keep an eye on it in case it is going to boil over, you just get it ready push a button and leave it alone until it starts beeping at you and it turns out perfect.

I cut up my meat into bite size pieces and just cook them up in a pan. I like using the pesto because well i love pesto but it also gives the chicken and turkey a really good flavor.

I cook enough food to last me for the next 4 days. 

I put about a cup of rice and 3/4 cup of meat into a tupperware and put a little dressing on it, i like the lite balsamic parmesan vinagrette. It gives it a little extra flavor and helps keep the rice from drying out. It ends up being about 300 calories which isn't a lot but when you are eating you multiple small meals a day it is just the right size.

I reheat it at work and even though i am basically eating the same meal almost everyday i really enjoy it, it tastes good. I don't like to eat out at fast food for lunch. We also don't have many fast food options so that makes it easier. I prefer to make my own food so i actually know what i am eating and putting into my body.

Whats your favorite go to meal?

PS: have you ever watched your significant other workout??? I mean yowza its nice. On Monday and Wednesday Jason and I will be at the gym together and I could stare at him the whole time, although i wouldn't get any work done myself and people would look at me like I am a creeper girl who is staring, but its nice to watch.

Monday, April 15, 2013

The next step

Happy Monday!!! I think i may be one of the few people who enjoy Monday. However Tuesdays will be the death of me. Don't know why this is but you can throw any Monday my way and I can handle it perfectly, Tuesdays i would rather crawl back in bed and not get up. 

Me and my Mini getting ready to leave the other morning for work and daycare :)

 I received my first Birchbox the other day and I am in love. Although it may not be worth the $10 a month i really like the idea of getting a box once a month full of beauty samples, its fabulous.

 We had a rather cold weekend with snow. So yesterday morning my dad had some work to do outside so Kendall got all bundled up and headed out to ride the tractor.

The challenge is finally over, i am relieved but at the same time it was very motivating to be part of something like that because it made it easier to stay on track. I lost a total of 12 pounds. My team didn't even come close to winning which is a bummer but I am still glad i was able to accomplish what i did. 

I stopped going to Zumba at the end of March mostly because i had a really wonderful cold that lasted about 2 weeks. Then last Thursday I decided I was going to start going back to the gym. I n the past i really liked going, now that i have lost some weight it will be easier to get back on track at the gym. I am like an excited little school girl. I will be starting this evening and am going to try to go Mon-Thurs and Saturdays. I haven't quite figured out what i am going to do for a routine yet. But my goal is to look like one of those really hot muscular girls you see on pinterest. Maybe not as muscular as they are because that's a little weird to me but i want to be super toned.

I cant wait to start this next journey towards reaching my goal. Its going to be hard and boy will i be sore but i am really looking forward to it. 

Thursday, April 11, 2013

It's OK Thursday

 Hey Friends and fellow bloggers join me for another week of It's Ok Thursday.

Here is whats OK with me this week: eat a brownie or 2 a couple days before you are supposed to weigh in for the end of your challenge. write your blog posts the day before you are going to post them. not use my fitness pal anymore because you feel you are doing well enough on your own to not need its assistance. get stuck coming up with things to put on your Its OK List. putting your kids to bed a few minutes early so you can have a few extra minutes to yourself. reading an entire 3 book series in less than a week. RK Lilley's In Flight series was amazing btw, if you liked 50 shades this is a must read. not doing the dishes right away at night. be irritated that the 3rd party who needs to approve your offer on a house still hasn't done so. I mean come on whats the hold up, the seller already accepted. say funny things and have your child repeat them because hearing her say them makes it hilarious. not reaching the goals you set for yourself. Start over and try something that works a little better for you. buy a set of couches even though you technically have no where to put them yet. Hey it was a really good deal. weigh yourself everyday and do a victory dance when the # stays the same or goes down. wanting to get a new gym membership even though summer is coming up and you wouldn't even use it much during that time.

That's whats OK with me this week, what's OK with you?

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Feeling kind of blah?

Ever have those days where you just feel kind of blah or your having a "fat" day? On days i knew i didn't get to work out or go to zumba i would be super careful about what i was eating cause i didn't want to back slide or gain weight from taking 1 day off (i was pretty paranoid).

 I started doing jumping jacks and squats to give me a little energy boost or to just make it feel like i did something that day instead of sitting in my big comfy office chair all day. After a while I started to add in a little more and now i can almost do a full workout at work, it does take all day to do it but its better then not getting any. 

I don't do as many squats now but i still do jumping jacks and as many as i can throughout the day, its a great way to get your heart rate up and burn some fast calories. I am not sure what any of these exercises are called but i do them all.
I have a shelf in my office that i hold on to and you start with one leg and you are basically swinging your leg out and then back in. Its good to cross over your stationary leg a little bit. I do about 20 and then switch to the other side. This is good for inner and outer thighs and your booty. Doing 20 seems easy but you can feel it.

 This is one of my favorites!!! I don't use weights obviously since i don't have any at work with me. But you just stand with your feet shoulder width apart and bend at the side. Again do about 20 and then switch sides. This works the love handles. Be sure when you are doing any ab exercise that you keep you core tightened it will give better results.

Again i don't use weights. Stand with your feet shoulder width apart and bent your arms in front of you so your hands are in your face. Tighter your core and twist one way then the other, go back and forth as many times as you want. The key to this is to not move your hips or legs just twist your stomach. Find a spot and stare at it cause you don't want to move your head either. It will work your low back muscles, your muffin top and the dreadful stomach pooch. Remember to keep your core muscles tight, but don't forget to breath.

And because it would be a shame to leave your arms/shoulders out. I do tricep dips and push ups against the wall. For the tricep dips face away from your desk, put your hands on the edge and use your arms to dip down and lift yourself up. It helps if your feet are farther out then the rest of your body. This will work the "bat wings" on the back of your arms and a little bit of your core. When you do push ups on the wall, you want to stand with your feet apart and not together and put as much body weight as you can on your arms. They aren't as hard but do enough of them and you will feel it.

It may not be much of a workout but every little bit counts. It makes the day go by faster. Your coworkers may look at you slightly crazy when they come into your office and see you doing jumping jacks but don't let that stop you from reaching your fitness goals.

Join me again tomorrow for another Its Ok Thursday.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Feeding a toddler

Kendall has always been a picky eater. She will eat guacamole but she will not eat plain avocado, she doesn't like eggs, potatoes, vegetables, meat and a whole lot of other things. Which i suppose is pretty normal for kids

I always told myself that i was going to raise her to eat healthy and boy did that sure go out the window. We get caught up in every day life and its hard. I know she eats healthy at school. They base their menu off of the  food table, i however do not. I cant get the kid to eat anything. 

She loves cheese, fruit, peanut butter, bread with butter, ham, chips and salsa, hot dogs, chicken nuggets, mac n cheese. Since she will eat those things i tend to give her them a lot of. But I also try to let her pick what she wants to eat as long as it isn't candy.

I feel ok with giving her things in moderation. She got on a little kick there where all she wanted was candy and fruit snacks, so we just got rid of the candy all together.

For dinner i try to feed her whatever we are eating but sometimes she just wont eat it. Last night I made my first ever meatloaf ( i was curious to make one) and she scarfed it down like she hadn't eaten in days, she even ate salad with it. 

But then there are times that even covering it with ketchup wont make her eat it. For some reason french fries are ok but potatoes that are cut up and cooked hold no interest for her. Scrambled eggs one of the things all kids love, she wont even touch them. You can cook an egg anyway and she wont eat it. 

She eats a lot of chicken nuggets, corn dogs and mac n cheese but mostly because i know she will eat them. Right now i am not so worried about what she eats as long as she isn't getting loaded up with sugar and as long as she is eating something. 

Her new favorite snack is trail mix, you cant really call it trail mix though. I pick out the almonds cause they are too hard and i know she will spit the cashews out so i just give her the peanuts, raisins and m&m's. Well little miss picky the other day decides she no longer likes peanuts so now she will pick through it and eat all the raisins and m&m's 

I know once she gets older her food choices will expand, its just a challenge now when one day she will love something and the next she wont touch it with a ten foot pole. Its a learning process for all of us.

Monday, April 8, 2013

The Skinny Rules

Here is a breakdown of how I made The Skinny Rules work for me.

1.Instead of drinking a glass before I eat, i drink a lot while i eat.

2. This is a big one i don't think people realize but that delicious 20oz coffee most likely has as many calories as your dinner will.

3. Protein is the energy your body needs to its a must.

4. I half agree with this, i still eat whole wheat bread and brown rice or else i would be grouchy from not eating enough carbs.

5. Take a pill, its hard to keep track of how much fiber you take in from food.

6. I prefer vegetables so i really don't eat much fruit unless i am craving it.

7. Agree 100% carbs are energy you need to get you through the day, don't eat them at dinner when you will be going to sleep in a couple hours.

8. The only thing i pay attention to on labels is calories, carbs, sugar and sodium. I want low #'s

9. I still guess but stop when i start to feel full.

10. Natural sugars in fruit is ok, but skip the sugar free it just means it has the fake stuff in it. Go the fat free route instead.

11. Get rid of white food in general. No bread, rice, potatoes or pasta. Stay away from processed food too.

12. Never gonna happen.

13. This is easy, fast food is gross.

14. I drink a smoothie at 7am then at 10am I have a snack.

15. I would say make all your own meals. Food prep on Sundays and make enough food to last a week.

16. Just go for low sodium.

17. Ditto Bob.

18. It sucks and you wake up starving but you will look really skinny when you wake up, plus it burns more calories.

19. Your body needs to sleep in order to function properly.

20. Don't go all crazy in that one meal but maybe go out to dinner or make a really ooey gooey yummy meal that's not on the diet but still watch your portion size.

21. (Bob forgot one) Drink water ALL DAY LONG, it flushes all the bad things out of your system that you may have ate that day.

I started myself on a really strict diet but i found one the weekends i would slide back into bad eating habits and feel guilty about it. After a while i stopped worrying so much. I was limiting myself too much. If I want something i eat it, but i don't go crazy, i will only take a couple of bites. I still try to meal plan all my lunches and most of my dinners during the week. It helps to keep me on track and keeps my weight where it is instead of gaining it all back. I haven't reached my goal yet, the challenge ends this weekend i know i wont reach it by then and i am ok with that. This is a lifestyle change that i feel good about and will keep doing until i get to my goal. Happy Monday friends!

Friday, April 5, 2013

30 Minute Meal

Last night i was in a rush for dinner. I got home after work around 4:45 and hadn't planned anything nor did I have any of my pre-made meals in the fridge, i have been lazy about the meal planning for my diet these last few weeks.

I was being lazy figuring i could just make a salad when i got hungry and then Jason showed up. Well usually on Thursdays Jason has bowling at 7 so he would need to leave around 6:30 to get there in time. I had a little bit of a freak out and was running around trying to find something to make that he would like, we really need to go grocery shopping.

I am pretty good at inventing my own meals from ingredients on hand. Here is what I came up with:

(somewhat healthy) Chicken Parmesan with garlic bread and a salad

Sorry the pic is blurry i didn't realize it at the time.

You will need:
thawed chicken breasts (use as many as you need, i was feeding 3 people so i used 3 breasts)
spaghetti sauce
Parmesan cheese

When i started my chicken was hard as a rock frozen, i stuck it in the microwave until it was almost completely thawed. Melt some butter down in a skillet and get your pan nice and hot. Cut the chicken breasts in half and place them in the hot pan, sizzling is a good sound because you want the chicken to brown up. Putting a lid on the pan helps keep the heat in so your chicken will cook through faster. After oh say 5-7 minutes check your chicken for a nice brown color and then flip to the other side (its ok to add a little more butter at this point if you think your pan is dry). 
Since I have been doing the diet i always have a big bowl of lettuce on hand since it is one of the main things i  eat, i sprinkle some sunflower seeds and parmesan cheese into the bowl to make it seem like i am eating more then just lettuce. Set the oven on to broil and got out a cookie sheet, 3 big pieces of sourdough bread and spread them with butter,  garlic herb mix and sprinkle some parmesan cheese on top. Place in the oven and just keep an eye on it so it doesn't burn.
Your chicken should be close to done so take the lid off carefully cause it will probably be sizzling and popping some. Open up your can of spaghetti sauce and pour some over all the pieces of chicken and then some extra in the pan. Sprinkle some parmesan cheese over all the pieces of chicken put the lid back on and turn the heat down. You are basically just doing this to heat the sauce up and melt the cheese. Check your bread, it should be done by now and if not just give it a couple more minutes. Your cheese should be melted at this point so go ahead and turn your burner off and let it rest for a few minutes so you don't get splattered with spaghetti sauce.

Assemble your plate however you like it, food touching or not touching whichever you prefer and enjoy. It only took about 30 minutes and i say somewhat healthy because its not breaded and well i used butter, you could probably substitute that for some olive oil or something else, i like butter i think it gives it a certain flavor. You could make it even healthier by making your own sauce, even though store bought isn't all that bad for you calorie wise, you could also skip the bread or do what i did and only eat half a slice.

Turns out both Jason and Kendall don't like chicken parmesan so I had enough left over to take for lunch today.

Part of dieting is hard if you restrict yourself to only good for you foods. Over the course of my 8 week challenge/diet i am learning it is ok to have the other things as long as you eat in moderation. For example, while i was doing the dishes i ate a couple spoonfuls (not a bowl full) of ice cream. If we limit ourselves too much we end up binge eating and then feel guilty for eating that much and then because we feel guilty we end up eating more. I still follow almost all of my rules that i set in the beginning but i do break them now and again to what works best for me that particular day.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Ok Thursday

To help me blog more, i am going to make it a little easier on myself and link up with my sister Prairie Princess for It's Ok Thursday  She already told me she was not participating in it this week as she was going another link up, but that's not going to stop me from trying it out.

Here is whats OK with me this week: call or text your Realtor everyday about the house you are interested in buying to see what the status of your offer is. have baby fever even though you are no where near ready to have another, yet.

...To skip zumba and go play in the park with the munchkin instead. eat almost all of Kendall's Easter candy and not feel guilty about it. lay around all evening and watch the old seasons of Grey's Anatomy. buy a new phone even though there is nothing wrong with your old one. plan out the whole design and paint scheme for a house i don't even own yet. Thanks pinterest. order a Birchbox when you really aren't in need of any new beauty products. take advantage of your sisters employee discount to get amazing hair products for a fraction of the cost. be distracted by blogging and forget you have orders to enter in the computer for work. not wanting to be a people person sometimes. wearing the same pairs of pants a few times (not 3 days in a row) before washing them. go buy a salad at the store when you have all the fixings to make your own. not call your workout buddy and tell them you aren't making it to class because you know if you don't go they wont go. clean out your closet and donate the things you never wear anymore, if you don't want them someone else does. watch The Voice and every time Blake Shelton turns around say you would pick him as your coach. Yea the other coaches are great but seriously Blake rocks and his wife is just plain awesome. only like to buy things that are sale. enjoy my job because i don't have to deal with customers in person. Phone calls and emails only for this girl!

That's whats OK with me this week, whats OK with you?

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Yea so its been almost 2 months

Hello all, It's been a while and i have been told by many its time to update. So here it goes. We have been busy bees. I have been doing my "peel off the pounds" challenge still and i am down 12 lbs. I am pretty stoked about this, i struggled for so long to try to get my baby weight off and it just seems to be melting off now. There are only 10 days left in the challenge and i don't think i will reach my goal by then but i am going to continue my journey until i get to where i want to be. This week has been hard getting the motivation to go to zumba, because i have been doing it so much for the challenge i am getting a little burnt out doing it. So since it is finally nice, i think i am going to take a couple days off and finally get to use my jogging stroller for its intended purpose. 
I am at the stage right now where my clothes are either too big or too small still. My belt is even to big right now. Its not a bad problem to have but when you are trying to not buy any clothes because well you literally have a closet full of the ones that "used" to fit that you will fit into as soon as you reach your goal its a struggle. 
As for food, I am still sticking to my rules however i do have a few more cheats here and there so i don't go on a binge and eat everything in sight. The other night i ate a piece of WHITE bread with REAL butter on it and it was so good, it was like heaven in my mouth. It is a lot easier making healthy eating choices now that i am used to it.

As for Kendall, well we have definitely been experiencing the "terrible twos" there are someday when screaming fits and tantrums are all that happens. It gets so frustrating because she will only do it for me and as soon as i leave her with her dad or grandpa she is fine.
She is turning into a little daredevil. She tried to crawl out of her car seat this morning while we were driving and i had to yell at her a little bit and she seemed upset so hopefully that prevents her from trying to do it again. Her cousin Drextin is almost exactly a year younger then her and after watching him stand up on the 4 wheeler she decided she needed to do it as well. She couldn't see where she was going but she sure thought it was fun.

We had a great Easter, the Easter Bunny came and brought her a Minnie Mouse basket with a bunch of treats in it. We are trying to get her off of candy so we didn't put any in her basket since she would be doing an egg hunt at Jason's moms and would be getting candy there.

Lastly, we have been potty training and she is finally getting the hang of it. We were trying to do it while she was still in diapers and tried putting her in pull ups and she just wasn't getting it. So one day i decided we are just gonna start wearing panties. The first day was a little hard and she went through every pair of undies i sent with her to school so they had to put a diaper on her. But slowly over the next couple of days she got better and yesterday she had not one accident. She will tell you when she has to go potty but still hasn't figured out the whole going poo in the potty yet. She still wears diapers to bed but most mornings when she wakes up her diaper is completely dry and she will say she needs to go potty. We are very proud of her and she is really proud of herself. She does get upset when she does have an accident but we reassure her it is ok because well naturally she still isn't 100% potty trained and forgets she has to go sometimes. 

I am trying to work out a blogging schedule that will allow me more time to make posts. Its hard to find the time some days and then i get distracted and the next thing i know its been 2 months since i blogged. But since i have been better about setting goals for myself i am going to make up a schedule and get back on a blogging routine.