
A journey through the wild ride of being a first time mother

You can read every book on the shelf about being a parent and what to expect with your new baby, but the only true preparation is experiencing it first hand.

Monday, April 15, 2013

The next step

Happy Monday!!! I think i may be one of the few people who enjoy Monday. However Tuesdays will be the death of me. Don't know why this is but you can throw any Monday my way and I can handle it perfectly, Tuesdays i would rather crawl back in bed and not get up. 

Me and my Mini getting ready to leave the other morning for work and daycare :)

 I received my first Birchbox the other day and I am in love. Although it may not be worth the $10 a month i really like the idea of getting a box once a month full of beauty samples, its fabulous.

 We had a rather cold weekend with snow. So yesterday morning my dad had some work to do outside so Kendall got all bundled up and headed out to ride the tractor.

The challenge is finally over, i am relieved but at the same time it was very motivating to be part of something like that because it made it easier to stay on track. I lost a total of 12 pounds. My team didn't even come close to winning which is a bummer but I am still glad i was able to accomplish what i did. 

I stopped going to Zumba at the end of March mostly because i had a really wonderful cold that lasted about 2 weeks. Then last Thursday I decided I was going to start going back to the gym. I n the past i really liked going, now that i have lost some weight it will be easier to get back on track at the gym. I am like an excited little school girl. I will be starting this evening and am going to try to go Mon-Thurs and Saturdays. I haven't quite figured out what i am going to do for a routine yet. But my goal is to look like one of those really hot muscular girls you see on pinterest. Maybe not as muscular as they are because that's a little weird to me but i want to be super toned.

I cant wait to start this next journey towards reaching my goal. Its going to be hard and boy will i be sore but i am really looking forward to it. 


  1. LOL, one of those girls on Pinterest! Yeah some of them are just freakish! I mean, they look great and it took a lot of work to get there, but I don't know if I was built to look like that!

  2. You have been busy blogging!! I love that you take the time to do this :)
