
A journey through the wild ride of being a first time mother

You can read every book on the shelf about being a parent and what to expect with your new baby, but the only true preparation is experiencing it first hand.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

It's OK Thursday

 Hey Friends and fellow bloggers join me for another week of It's Ok Thursday.

Here is whats OK with me this week: eat a brownie or 2 a couple days before you are supposed to weigh in for the end of your challenge. write your blog posts the day before you are going to post them. not use my fitness pal anymore because you feel you are doing well enough on your own to not need its assistance. get stuck coming up with things to put on your Its OK List. putting your kids to bed a few minutes early so you can have a few extra minutes to yourself. reading an entire 3 book series in less than a week. RK Lilley's In Flight series was amazing btw, if you liked 50 shades this is a must read. not doing the dishes right away at night. be irritated that the 3rd party who needs to approve your offer on a house still hasn't done so. I mean come on whats the hold up, the seller already accepted. say funny things and have your child repeat them because hearing her say them makes it hilarious. not reaching the goals you set for yourself. Start over and try something that works a little better for you. buy a set of couches even though you technically have no where to put them yet. Hey it was a really good deal. weigh yourself everyday and do a victory dance when the # stays the same or goes down. wanting to get a new gym membership even though summer is coming up and you wouldn't even use it much during that time.

That's whats OK with me this week, what's OK with you?

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