
A journey through the wild ride of being a first time mother

You can read every book on the shelf about being a parent and what to expect with your new baby, but the only true preparation is experiencing it first hand.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

The dreaded shots!!!

Sorry for the blurry picture, i took it with my phone while Kendall was waiting oh so patiently at the doctor this morning. She turned 4 months last Tuesday but her 4 month appointment was not until today. She is playing more or less eating her bumble bee toy, laying on the exam table cause she wouldn't sit still when i was holding her. She also had her plastic rings she was playing with. She is such a wiggle worm now that she can roll over. She will wiggle so much her head will end up were her feet were and she will spin herself all the way around in a complete circle.

Anyways, she is growing just fine. Her height is finally catching up her her weight. She is 24 1/2 inches long and 16.5 pounds. Her doctor was very impressed with how well she can pull herself up when you hold her arms and help her into a sitting position, and also by how well she stands when you hold her her and how good her balance is when you do this. I even think Kendall rolled over for her and pushed herself up with her arms (she cant hold this position for very long before she falls back down).

She tried her first rice cereal the other day and she loved it, I couldn't feed it to her fast enough. I am going to start giving it to her more and let her get used to it and as soon as she is used to it in a couple weeks we are going to start her on baby food and that will definitely be a fun adventure. this was supposed to be a post about her shots and I totally spaced it, oops, you can tell my mind is elsewhere. She did not like her shots so much. She is laying on the table and you have to hold her arms and kind of distract her and then BAMMM she gets a shot and the look in her eyes is so sad it is heartbreaking cause you know it hurts her so bad. She turned red in the face and held her breath until finally she took a breath and started crying. This went on 3 times, they cant just make everything into 1 shot, no they have to give her 3 separate shots, which total in 5 different vaccines. After the appointment she slept for about an hour and a half woke up, ate and was whiney so i gave her a little Tylenol to make her feel better and she went to sleep about an hour later. Hopefully she doesn't get super sore like she did last time she got shots, she cried every time she had to move her legs. Poor baby :(

1 comment:

  1. Awww sweet little Kendall!!! I hate shots too, and I'm certainly a lot bigger than her!
