
A journey through the wild ride of being a first time mother

You can read every book on the shelf about being a parent and what to expect with your new baby, but the only true preparation is experiencing it first hand.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Haircut success

Kendall got her haircut on Saturday. She had been talking about it for days since i got her an appt. She even told her teacher that "i have to get a haircut cause my hair is crazy" which is totally the truth.

We ended up getting their really early which probably was a good thing, cause she got to watch Donna cut another girls hair and see that it was an ok thing. The thing with Kendall is, she gets so excited to do something and then as soon as its time to do it she becomes SUPER shy and changes her mind. So it worked out good that she got to watch for a while and get comfortable with the place and people.

She wouldn't sit on the stool in the chair so she just ended up standing in the chair which was ok.
At first she was like um what are you doing to my hair, i am not sure i like that.

 She watched herself in the mirror some and thought it was pretty neat

 And by the end she was having so much fun she was playing peek-a-boo with Donna (who also cuts my hair)

I do notice a little bit of a difference in her hair. She is actually willing to let me clip it out of her eyes. We didn't cut a lot off but it is a little short now for ponies now. It doesn't seem to get as tangled and she is more open to the idea of letting me brush it to keep it out of her face. It seems thicker now and i hope it starts to grow fast so it can get long and so she can have pretty curls all over her head.

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