
A journey through the wild ride of being a first time mother

You can read every book on the shelf about being a parent and what to expect with your new baby, but the only true preparation is experiencing it first hand.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

It's OK Thursday

Its almost the weekend. I am taking part of tomorrow off to get some of my stuff ready for a garage sale i am having with Jason's mom this weekend. 

With out further delay, here is whats OK with me this week take part of Friday (i know i already said it but that's ok too) not spend money. Jason's mom Marci for helping us out so much with this house process and buying many of the things we need. still have no new news regarding whats going on with our house. it finally being warm enough to enjoy being outside falling behind in the challenges i started last week. I am already going to the gym 5 days a week and taking Kendall walking since its been so nice. It was all getting to be a little much, but mind you i am still doing some just not as much as i am supposed to be doing. love doing planks. The results are amazing, i have been doing them daily for about 3 weeks now and its paying off. I suggest everyone do planks. still not knowing what i am going to get mine and Jason's mom for mothers day. stay up to late reading a book, oops.

... to only "buying" the free books for my kindle. There is a rather large free selection and you can find some pretty good stuff in there. I will only buy the book if i am SUPER interested in reading it. plan ahead. If i am not prepared in advanced it stresses me out like no other.

...for getting a compliment from my mortgage broker about how thankful she is that i am on top of all the constant paperwork i am having to turn in. not know what exactly i am going to do for daycare when Kendall turns 3 and can no longer go to the Early Headstart program.

What's OK with you this week?


  1. Good list! Hmmm...Kendall needs daycare after 3 could always bring her over here and she could become a trucker with Patrick for the day :)

  2. Ugh, planks! Still can't do a minute but getting closer ;) And Kendall is more than welcome to come to our house! I know its not really convenient but it is an option :)
