
A journey through the wild ride of being a first time mother

You can read every book on the shelf about being a parent and what to expect with your new baby, but the only true preparation is experiencing it first hand.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Kendall is going on vacation....without me

My sweet (not so) little monster is going on a mini vacation this weekend with Grandpa.
I have been away from her before for weekends but we have only even been a few hours away from each other and now she is getting on a big airplane as she says and going to California.
This picture was taken right before i left her for a weekend for the very first time. She was 5 months old and had just learned how to sit up on her own.

I am nervous. I know she will be fine and she will be with my dad and well they are like 2 peas in a pod and things will go smoothly and she will behave well but i am still slightly freaked out. Jason and I had to sign over guardianship for her while she is gone. 

She is going to have so much fun. This morning she told me she was going to go swimming at Auntie Lisa's house with Uncle Ron, Jason (my cousins hubby), Erin, Auntie Mandy, Troy and Mitchell and that she was going to swim like a puppy.

The trip is going to be very short. They leave Friday and come home on Monday. The are going down for my Great Grandma's 100th birthday party. Kendall has met her once before but we thought it would be important for her to be able to get to see her at least 1 more time in her life. 

Kendall is the only Great Great Grandchild and will be unless one of my siblings or one of my cousins on that side of the family decides to have children like right now.

As nervous as I am, i am really not sure what i am going to do with myself for a whole 4 days with out her. I plan on there being some wine drinking and sleeping in, but the rest of the time is up in the air. There will probably also be a lot of relaxing. 

Here's to a weekend off of Mommy duty!

1 comment:

  1. You'll get lots of sleeping in, and lots of naps!! That's what I did all of last week!
    She and dad will have a great time, I have NO doubt!
