
A journey through the wild ride of being a first time mother

You can read every book on the shelf about being a parent and what to expect with your new baby, but the only true preparation is experiencing it first hand.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

It's OK Thursday

Hey all I hope you are having a good week so far. Lots of things have been going on in this neck of the woods. Here is whats OK with me this week. gaining a couple pounds back, i think its because i am doing more muscle training and less cardio. Muscle weighs more then fat. have a weakness for jelly beans. Its not my fault people keep bringing them into work. not liking creme/jelly filled donuts. getting your mortgage broker to switch to a different lender for your house loan so you don't have to pay as high of closing costs. being completely stressed out about the whole house thing. They don't tell you how much it actually costs to "close" on a sale unless you ask and i even took the class. be thankful Jason's mom is going to be helping us out and buying some house stuff for us (we still don't have the house yet but, you gotta be prepared). not doing the dishes because it was just one of those days. be wearing boots and a sweater on the first day of May. feeling like a rockstar because you can plank for over a minute on the front and 45 seconds on each side. second guess some of the decisions you make. start a 30 day squat and plank challenge on top of going to the gym 5 days a week, my butt is gonna look good. having lots of things to put on the OK list today, i could go on and on. having over 100 page views on my little blog yesterday, thank you, it really is appreciated when i actually see people are reading my blog.

Whats OK with you this week?


  1. be unsure of the future :)

  2. be unsure of the future :)

  3. that was a good list!!! You need to take before and after pics of your butt! hahahaahha
