
A journey through the wild ride of being a first time mother

You can read every book on the shelf about being a parent and what to expect with your new baby, but the only true preparation is experiencing it first hand.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013


I am so excited i can hardly contain myself. I am going to start juicing. A few of my friends already do it and i was very interested in learning more about it and after a dinner with friends last week and trying some "samples" i decided i was going to go for it. I had to find a juicer. The friend who I had dinner with spent $300 on hers and there was no way i was going to spend that much. I technically shouldn't be spending any unnecessary money right now because of all the house stuff and how much money i am going to need for that, but i REALLY wanted to start juicing. 

So I did lots of research and after reading lots of reviews i found this juicer. It is not the fanciest or the best kind out there but it was in my price range and the reviews on it were awesome. So I did some more searching and went on eBay, amazon and Walmart. Brand new at Walmart they are $55 I found one on amazon for $30 so i snatched it right up. The picture isn't of mine, its of my friend Toni's, she got hers first and i am jealous.

Mine isn't scheduled to be here until tomorrow and i am anxiously waiting. Because i am working out i am still going to eat meals, i am not going to use the juicing as a complete meal replacement. But i will have my juice at every meal and then eat a protein to help give my body the energy it needs to work out.

I have already made my grocery list of fruits and veggies and am planning out my meals and which juices to have with what meals so i can get started as soon as i get the package in the mail tomorrow. Wish me luck!!!

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