
A journey through the wild ride of being a first time mother

You can read every book on the shelf about being a parent and what to expect with your new baby, but the only true preparation is experiencing it first hand.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Hungry Girl Diet

I found this gem of a book on our local Facebook yard sale page and had to have it. Most of my meals i eat are right at around 250 calories, I do eat about 5 meals a day and sometimes still don't reach the 1200 calories My Fitness Pal says I am supposed to eat in a day.

I like this book but at the same time i am slightly disappointed in it. Seems like literally half of it is dessert recipes. The first half is all great recipes for breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks but there are so many dessert recipes. And to tell the truth if i am going to eat a cupcake it's not going to be a healthy one. There are some great healthy alternatives to some dips that we all love but that are sooooo bad for us.

It has also given me some good ideas that i came up with on my own for meals. I find myself eating a lot of the same healthy food over and over because i really don't know much about all of it.

I am pretty proud of myself  after this past week/weekend. I usually tend to not eat as good on weekends and then Monday when i get back on the scale i am disappointed. I didn't get to work out much last week and yesterday when i got on the scale i was pleasantly surprised to see that my sort of being good over the weekend really paid off. I think it helps that I am crocheting so much on weekends and evenings that i don't have time to sit around and snack or do any bored eating. I have 3 weeks to lose 5 more lbs and i really hope i can do it. I need to step up my cardio and do a little more then i have been doing. Its been a long journey but i am ready to finally reach my goal.

In other news, we are supposed to hear something about our house tomorrow. They were going to escalate the paperwork and hopefully get it done so we could set a closing date tomorrow. If all goes according to plan and they finish the paperwork tomorrow, after a 45 day closing period we should be moving into our house around Christmas.

1 comment:

  1. REALLY?!?! That's great news about the house!!! How exciting!!
