
A journey through the wild ride of being a first time mother

You can read every book on the shelf about being a parent and what to expect with your new baby, but the only true preparation is experiencing it first hand.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

A day of Randoms

Kendall has caught an illness. And it is the cutest but at the same time saddest thing when she is sick and not feeling well. She has something like laryngitis, its not really a cold other then she has a little runny nose but she croaks like a frog and when she talk she squeaks. The unfortunate part for her is that she doesn't realize that if she doesn't talk it will get better but since she has a million questions she talks non stop. She even talks in her sleep. We will have to try and see if she will drink some tea with honey in it.

This is my latest nail polish trial. I hate buying all these different products to try cause they may not be super expensive but when you keep buying new things they start to add up. 

So far i really like it, it is holding up well. I painted my nails Sunday evening and there are a couple flaws but there are no chips, woohoo! The one thing i am learning though is that after it works really well a few times it starts to not work as well which is a big bummer. I am hoping that is not the case for the No Chips Ahead because i really like to paint my nails and there are so many fun fall ideas i am wanting to try on my nails.

For a while there i was feeling a real lack of motivation for the gym, it was just hard to go. By the time i get there after work it is dark outside and it has been so busy that it has been frustrating going and having to switch up your routine because there are so many people using the same things you want to use. So i made a new routine for myself and although other people are getting in my way still i am trying to work around it and be a little more flexible.

Last week i was frustrated cause i didn't lose any weight even though I stuck to the diet and worked out like normal. I came to the conclusion that even though i was eating good i really wasn't eating enough. I just never felt REALLY hungry so I didn't eat my usual morning snack. So this week I have been making myself eat the snack and just like that bam, down 1 pound. I have 5 lbs to go and my deadline for my goal is next week for Thanksgiving, I am determined to meet my goal.

1 comment:

  1. 5 lbs is a lot for one week! And yes, your body needs to keep up the metabolism to burn the fat, so you have to keep eating...just as long as its good stuff!
