
A journey through the wild ride of being a first time mother

You can read every book on the shelf about being a parent and what to expect with your new baby, but the only true preparation is experiencing it first hand.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Ah Thursday!

Today I am going to dedicate to crocheting and probably a couple other random things i got going on in my head. 

I have been one busy busy bee and i LOVE it! When i decided that i was going to turn this into more then a hobby I had no idea how busy i was going to get. I originally decided to start selling because well i love to crochet but can only crochet so many things for myself and my family before we are over run with yarn. I was looking for something i could do to supplement my income since Christmas was coming up.

I have had several people tell me i need to increase my prices but i don't want to. I have more then covered my expenses and i want to keep my items priced so they are more affordable. I would rather have a higher volume of orders at a lower price then the other way around where i only have a few orders but charge an arm and a leg.

I literally have to crochet every single day or i fall behind. Occasionally there are times when life happens and i don't get as much done as i would like. This week Kendall has been sick so i have been very unproductive and haven't been able to get through as many orders this week as i have the past few weeks. But this weekend I will be able to catch up and get a few things done.

This is what it looks like from my view, although i hardly actually "watch" what is on TV i mostly just am listening so i can concentrate on what i am making. 

Just in the short time i have really pursued making the hats my skills have greatly improved. There are so many things i was scared to try before cause i didn't really know how to make them because i didn't take the extra time to learn more then just the basics. But now that i know i am unstoppable!

Click HERE if you want to go check out my Facebook page where i am posting pics of all the items i am making

***An update for the Essie No Chips Ahead top coat. I am impressed! I painted my nails Sunday and 4 days later i only have 2 spots where it chipped off and they are just little spots. I even have glitter polish on and we all know that usually peels off practically the next day. I highly recommend everyone to try this.

*** I am almost too my goal. This week since K has been sick i only went to the gym once and next week is going to be hard cause they have holiday hours. However I did lose another pound so i only have 4 pounds to go until i reach my goal!

Happy Thursday!

1 comment:

  1. I would say keep your prices where they are...last year i had higher prices for my Farmer's Market stuff and didn't sell as much. This year I had lower prices and sold A LOT more! Stick with what you have. Just cause you CAN charge more, doesn't mean you should :) And there are always going to be those people out there that still think you're charging too much!
