
A journey through the wild ride of being a first time mother

You can read every book on the shelf about being a parent and what to expect with your new baby, but the only true preparation is experiencing it first hand.

Monday, November 21, 2011

2nd Hand

I encourage everyone to buy a lot of their baby needs at second hand stores or from other people. When you start looking and realizing how expensive stuff is you will highly consider it. Things I bought used are:

~Crib: It was never used the lady didn't like what her parents picked out i got it for $20! I saved over $100.

~Changing Table: From one of my moms coworkers for $30! Again I saved over $100.

~Highchair: Jason got this at the second hand store in town but I have no idea what he paid for it, but again save at least $75!

~Jogging stroller: Again Jason picked this up so I don't know how much he pair for it but they cost about $150 brand new for a good one.

~Walkers: I had 2 for a while and spent a total of $15 ($5 for one, $10 on the other) Brand new they are $50 each. I gave one away to a family friend after Kendall started daycare.

~Clothes: I have only bought a few articles of clothing used cause she is at an age right now where they are more worn from crawling. Plus she has SO many outfits to choose from. Also brand new baby clothes are really not that expensive.

~Backpacks: I have 3 of these all used, one is the little front baby pack that I got for $12 and it is regularly $75. One of the hiking packs i got was $15, regularly probably $50 (it was a cheaper one), the third one is a heavy duty for long hikes Kelty brand pack. We got it for $20 regularly well over $100.

Just by buying a few things used we have saved so much money. Everyone tells you babies are expensive and they are, but you don't really realize how expensive. Above is at least $500 dollars we have saved so I have been able to buy other things for Kendall. One of the second hand stores we have in town is called Little Britches and is specifically aimed towards pregnant women and kids age 0-5ish. I called them and said I was looking for a crib and they had one and held it for me. The same goes for one of the walkers, my mom went in and said we were looking for a walker and when they got one it they called her and she had first dibs on it. Most places will do this if you are looking for something specific, so don't hesitate to call.

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