
A journey through the wild ride of being a first time mother

You can read every book on the shelf about being a parent and what to expect with your new baby, but the only true preparation is experiencing it first hand.

Thursday, March 27, 2014

We like our sports

Just recently we have started going to watch Jason play basketball when he goes to open gym. It's on Sundays and Wednesdays. We have only gone a couple times so far but K absolutely loves it. The first time we only stayed for about an hour cause its in the evenings right around bed time. She had asked me that day if we could go so i told her i would talk to daddy and see what he says. She told me to "make sure i ask him very nicely and say pretty please." Of course he was going to say yes.

We weren't planning on going last night but she was driving me crazy and he told me to bring her down cause a couple of our other friends were there. 

She had a blast. We ended up staying the whole time and didn't get home until about 9:45 but it was well worth it. She got to do some much needed running around and burn off lots of energy. There was a couple other kids who showed up with their parents later and she ran around with them. We practically had to drag her out of there to get her home.

This is the type of stuff i love for her to do. Yes, I am a protective mom, she is still little but at the same time i am not going to stop her from going out there and running around and being a kid. If she gets hurt, she gets hurt. I want her to be adventurous and not hold back for anything. She is still limited to what she can do because well ya she is only 3 but i try to encourage her to do as much as she can. 

By the end of the evening she was exhausted but she had so much fun. The other day she got to "play" softball with us when we practiced and had a blast getting to pick up the balls and help out. It was so much more fun for her to do that then sit and watch us. She loves being included.

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