
A journey through the wild ride of being a first time mother

You can read every book on the shelf about being a parent and what to expect with your new baby, but the only true preparation is experiencing it first hand.

Monday, March 24, 2014

My little jokster

The other day we went and had a little family dinner at The Mexicans (as K calls it).

It was just another typical dinner except some ducks showed up (more on that tomorrow). After dinner she got to feed the ducks. 

On the way home she is doing her regular babbling and talking to herself in the back of the car when she asks me.

K: "Mom, why did the banana go to the doctor?"
Me: " I don't know Kendall, why?"
K: "Because he wasn't peeling well!" Insert uncontrolled giggling

It was the cutest funniest thing i think she has ever said and that is saying a lot since the kid doesn't stop talking.

It was completely random out of the blue and that is why i love her. She is so creative and her mind is constantly going non stop. She will be doing one thing then look at you and say something completely random that is no way shape or form related to what she is playing with, wonder where she gets that from.

Although she didn't come up with the joke on her own, she learned it on a cartoon she likes to watch. She now tells everyone she sees the joke and it never gets old and is just as funny as the first time she said it.

We went shopping this weekend i told her if she was good she could get a coloring book. Well she ended up getting 2 coloring books and a bag of jelly beans being the spoiled girl that she is. Later that day at home coloring she is just scribbling all over the page and i know she can color in the lines she always does it when she is with Jason, like i witnessed that very same morning. So i ask her:

Me: "Why do you only color in the lines when you are coloring with Daddy?"
K: "I don't know Mom, maybe because i kind of like him!"

I need to write all of these down and keep them for her so she can someday know just how crazy she was.

Happy Monday!


  1. Oh, does that mean she likes me?! She colored in the lines for me!! Love that girl <3
