
A journey through the wild ride of being a first time mother

You can read every book on the shelf about being a parent and what to expect with your new baby, but the only true preparation is experiencing it first hand.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Oh Kendall

So i had this whole plan to make a post for my Fit Friday and then totally spaced it, so i will save it for this Friday and hope that i remember.

Kendall has been exceptionally talkative lately and she is such a little diva sometimes. I have no idea where she gets this stuff. Yesterday in the car she says to me "Mom, did you know that chickens poop eggs?" and she was totally serious when she informed me that "Steak comes from cows."

She is so curious about EVERYTHING and wants to know where EVERYTHING comes from. We already got asked "Where do kids come from?" not babies she wanted to know where kids came from. Or where food comes from. She is never satisfied when we tell we got it from the store. She wants to know the whole process of how its made and packaged and how it got to the store and she wants details.

Look at how cute she is! I can't get over it., i love this picture of her. She looks so grown up, its amazing that she is only 3.

It is official, we have started practicing for softball.

I also love this picture. She loves her daddy so much. She can't wait to get out there and run around with him.

Jason and a few other people went and practiced after work the other day and we stopped by to watch for a few minutes. Kendall is actually really excited for softball. All winter long she asked multiple times a week if we were going to softball that day. 

We did have another practice on Sunday and oh man i need more practice. Its been 6 months since we last played and i am seriously rusty and more then a little sore. It didn't help that it was crazy windy when we were out at the fields. I am looking forward to getting back out there and practicing some more to get ready for the season.

1 comment:

  1. I freaking LOVE that picture of her! What a little diva!
