
A journey through the wild ride of being a first time mother

You can read every book on the shelf about being a parent and what to expect with your new baby, but the only true preparation is experiencing it first hand.

Monday, October 21, 2013

Back at it...again!

Whenever I have a day where I am feeling unmotivated and don't want to go to the gym i look at this picture and tell myself to quit making excuses and just go. 

Yet again getting back on the bandwagon! I have been seriously slacking in the gym and healthy eating department. After almost taking the whole summer off from healthy eating cause we were so busy is really making it hard to get back into it. I have started using My Fitness Pal again and am keeping track of everything i eat and all my exercise.

I still have 10 lbs to go to get to my goal and these are going to be the hardest 10 lbs to get rid of. I am giving myself until Thanksgiving to do it, which means i am seriously going to have to commit myself and not give in to the temptation of the pineapple cupcakes and Halloween candy someone brought into work today. I have come to the realization that if i don't set the goal then i wont be able to accomplish what i want.

This is the first time in quite a while where i will be able to go to the gym more then 2 or 3 days a week. I am going to try to go Mon-Thurs and then (hopefully) take the yoga class they offer on Saturday mornings.

I am determined to get to where i want to be and will work as hard as i have to, to get there. 

***As a side note, my hats are coming along good. I still need to practice some things more but i found a couple patterns that i really like and will be able to mold them into how i want them to look. More pics to come as soon as i get a few decent ones made up.

Happy Monday!

1 comment:

  1. I'm kind of enjoying not tracking my calories and exercise right now, but once the baby comes, it's back on! I haven't gained much, but I'd love to lose more than the baby weight gain once he comes! And pineapple cupcakes? Those don't even sound good.
