
A journey through the wild ride of being a first time mother

You can read every book on the shelf about being a parent and what to expect with your new baby, but the only true preparation is experiencing it first hand.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

New Page Design!!!!

You may have noticed my fabulous new blog design, thanks to my very creative sister Prairie Princess, you can visit her blog here where she talks about her life living on her "Franch" as she calls it. She gets a lot of ideas from Pinterest (I tried and I have no idea how to use it yet) she has always been the creative one, I have my moments but they are few and far between and mostly spur of the moment and random like me.

Also, I think I have found a solution to the missing camera cord. My mother has the same brand camera but the newer version so I might be able to use her cord to transfer my pictures to the computer, I have so many waiting to show you from the last month.

We stayed at Jason's house last night. The last time we did was a couple weeks ago right before Kendall was sick and she slept horrible and was up so many times. She did so much better this time. At the house Jason lives his bedroom is rather small so there isn't really a lot of room for her port-a-crib. Last night, his roommate (the guy who owns the house) was out of town so we decided to just leave her crib in the living room, that way if she decided to lay in bed talking to herself it wouldn't keep us from getting sleep. I was a little hesitant at first because with the exceptions of 3 nights when i have been away from her we have always shared a room and I can hear every sound she makes, and i was worried i wouldn't be able to hear her which turned out wasn't a problem. It turned out to be a great idea, i actually think she slept a little bit better too cause she couldn't hear me moving in bed. So it was a success, which was a relief. Its nice to know when we don't live with my parents, or a bedroom frees up here she will be able to sleep in a room alone without being scared.

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