
A journey through the wild ride of being a first time mother

You can read every book on the shelf about being a parent and what to expect with your new baby, but the only true preparation is experiencing it first hand.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Spitting up

Apparently I have a few different subjects to talk about today, that must happen when you don't get the chance to blog as often as you want. Let me tell you I love blogging and i love reading other peoples blogs, it is very entertaining. One of the first things i like to do when i get onto the computer in the morning is log into blogger and go check to see what blogs have new blogs to read.

Anyways.....back to the subject at hand. When Kendall was a baby she spit up a lot pretty much every time she ate. It was very frustrating cause i couldn't eat anything with a lot of spice or acid cause it affected her. So once she quit being so picky about what she ate and not liking bottles i switched her over to formula so she could have the consistency and I hoped it would make her stop spitting up as much. It didn't really happen though, she still did it quite a bit but as much as before and it was nice being able to eat whatever i felt like again. Now at 6 months old she hardly ever does it, which is such a relief cause i am not having to change her clothes or my own at least once a day because of spit up. Its also nice not having to clean it off of me in the middle of the night. I don't even have burp her anymore she does it all on her own if she needs to. Also it helps now that she is not just drinking her dinner she is also eating real food too.

A lot of babies spit up and it is because the opening at the bottom of their stomach is so small it cant contract correctly and they can't digest all their food properly causing them to spit up. Other times its cause they burp and some milk comes out with the burp, projectile vomiting i cant explain but let me tell you its not pleasant cause it gets everywhere. As they grow older the muscles learn to contract better and once they grow longer the opening stretches out a little more. Most babies grow out of it about the time they are 6 months old but there are a few exceptions where they don't. I know some people who have an 11 month old and she still throws up every single time she eats, they have taken her to specialists but they still have not come to any conclusions yet, poor baby girl. It was very frustrating to me when she did it all the time and I am very grateful she has grown out of it that i can only imagine how hard it must be for them, everyday for the last 11 months they have had not one break from throwing up. I am so thankful for my happy healthy baby girl and so grateful I have been blessed with such a good baby. I am off to start on the mountain of laundry that has accumulated from the week, until next time.

1 comment:

  1. Holy smokes you did have a lot to talk about! LOL. I can't wait to see that little munchkin! It sounds like she probably will be crawling a little bit by the time I get there.
