
A journey through the wild ride of being a first time mother

You can read every book on the shelf about being a parent and what to expect with your new baby, but the only true preparation is experiencing it first hand.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Crying it out

I think the time has come for Kendall to cry it out she is now 6 months old and still getting up 2-3 times a night to eat and it should only be 1 time. The only thing i can think of to resolve this is letting her cry it out. It is not going to be fun listening to her scream especially in the middle of the night but her night time schedule needs to be more consistent. During the day she does really well with her schedule she eats and naps about the same time, but at night it is a whole different story. Last night for example she went to bed at 8:30 and by the time i was ready to go to bed a couple hours later i went in the room and she was awake in bed. I had to put her in the swing and give her a bottle to go back to sleep, she had only ate 2 hours earlier so there was no reason for her to want to eat again. Then she also got up at 2 and 5:30. She needs to learn how to go to sleep on her own in the crib instead of in the living room in the swing. Sometimes usually if it is really late she will go to sleep in her bed fine but if she isn't entirely ready to go to bed at bedtime (around 8:30) she will just roll around in the crib and then eventually start crying. So hopefully this weekend or the beginning of next week (we might be going camping this weekend) we will be starting to let her cry it out.

Listening to her cry doesn't bother me a lot until its been a long time and let me tell you she can cry forever it seems. Also if she is going to be starting daycare soon (still haven't heard back from Head Start by the way) she needs to be able to put herself to sleep when it is nap time. So wish us luck on our journey to sleeping through the night, cause i am ready to be doing that again.

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