
A journey through the wild ride of being a first time mother

You can read every book on the shelf about being a parent and what to expect with your new baby, but the only true preparation is experiencing it first hand.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

6 Month Doctor Visit

Kendall had her 6 month check up today even though she has been 6 months for about a week and a half. She had to get more shots and she toughed it out only crying from the initial shock of a needle getting stuck into her poor little (chunky) leg 3 separate times, once i picked her up she stopped. Normally she wouldn't have to go back to the Doctor until she is a year old but since she missed one of her shots at her 1 month appointment (they were out of the vaccine) she has to go back at 9 months and get the final dose.

Her doctor is very impressed with how independent she is and how she is advanced for her age in being able to sit up on her own (for a month she has been able to) and how she can hold her own bottle and stand with you holding onto her hands. Kendall was such a busy body while we were there, she wouldn't let the doctor listen to her cause she was to busy trying to eat the stethoscope, looking in her ears was a challenge, i had to hold her down and looking in her mouth was a lost cause, as soon as she saw the tongue depressor it was just another toy to her and it went straight to her mouth for her to chew on.

She can now expand her food selection by a lot. She has only had rice and baby food veggies. I haven't given her any fruit yet cause i wanted her to be used to the vegetables before i introduced her to fruit. But she not is going to be able to have the crushed baby oatmeal, noodles with no sauce, some fruits, cooked carrots and really any other vegetables as long as they are soft enough for her to gum. In about a month she will be able to start eating pureed meats (doesn't that sound yummy??). Maybe tonight I will try to feed her something fun and see what her reaction is.

She still wakes up about 2-3 times a night mostly because it has become a habit for her, so now i have to try to break her of it. Instead of feeding her a full bottle every time I just need to feed her until she is back to sleep. She should only be waking up about 1 time a night to eat, so to break her of this habit, the first time she wakes up i will just feed her a little but until she is back to sleep and then the second time she wakes up i will feed her a whole bottle and that should hopefully last her until she wakes up for the day. It should take a few days to a week to get her to where she is only waking up once a night, i might have to make her cry it out a few times until she knows that she is not going to starve cause she will get fed. Hopefully someday she will decide to sleep through the night, it would be great to get a full night of sleep again. I don't think it has happened once in the last 6 months. Wish me luck!!!

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