
A journey through the wild ride of being a first time mother

You can read every book on the shelf about being a parent and what to expect with your new baby, but the only true preparation is experiencing it first hand.

Monday, August 29, 2011


I have a really good friend who I don't get to see as often as I would like, she is busy with school and lives 3 hours from here and when she is home she is working. But this post isn't about her its about her sister. I wont name any names cause i don't want anyone to get mad, I don't think any of you know who it is anyways, but just for the story sake lets call her Sally).

Sally got pregnant a couple months after I did (she was only 18 at the time) and her son is almost 5 months old. You can tell she is a young scared mother by her actions, and she may even have some post partum depression. She lived out of town with her BF (who was not a good guy) while he went to school and she sat home and did nothing all day long while she was pregnant. When the baby was about 1 month old she finally got smart and left her BF and her mom found her a nice little house to live in and paid the rent for her even and she took that for granted. Her mom eventually maybe after a couple weeks told her if she wasn't going to ever be at the house she wasn't going to foot the bill for it. So Sally, found someone who was willing to take care of her child and let her live at her house for free all she had to do was pay for her gas to get to work. Yet again she took this for granted and went out and partied non stop, slept with random people (the way she is going she is going to get herself knocked up again) and went off for days on end without seeing or taking care of her son. She wouldn't go to work and now she has no job. Over time she kind of grew out of it. She still goes out regularly and who has her son I don't know cause the baby sitter eventually got smart and kicked her out (she now lives with her mom).

Getting to the point of my story, Sally is a avid Facebook user. She isn't one to make happy posts though, they for the most part are all pretty negative. The one in particular she made last night hit a nerve with me and i posted back (usually i just ignore them, and I have been seriously considering deleting her from my friends). She was talking about how much she hated her mom. I can see hating your mom if she abused you or was a deadbeat drug addict mom, who treated you terrible. But no her mom was a single mom, like herself , working as hard as she could to raise her daughter the right way as best as she could on her own. Lots of people commented on her post and she gets mad about what they say because they just don't understand. The post bothered me to the point that i had to post something even though she probably wont care about what i had to say. I told her: "There are times we are all mad at our moms but just remember..... If it wasn't for her you wouldn't be here and neither would your son. Think about how you would feel if he said the same thing about you." Her mom does not deserve to be treated this way after all the help she has given her and everything she does for her son.

As a mom, I don't even want to know the emotions her mother must be feeling to have your daughter say such hateful things about you, when all you have tried to do is make her the best person she can be and not only provide for her but provide for her son. In my personal opinion with how she acts I don't think she deserves to have her son. She may love him, but she does not take care of him and leaving him for days on end to party is not something a new mom does. There are so many people who would love to have him as a son and take care of him. This may seem a little harsh to some of you but if you knew her and saw and heard the things she said you would feel the same way.

I am sorry if this offends anyone in anyway but it is my opinion on the situation.

1 comment:

  1. Good for you for posting your thoughts...I'm sure a lot of people would agree with you! Sounds like this little pop tart needs a reality check.
