
A journey through the wild ride of being a first time mother

You can read every book on the shelf about being a parent and what to expect with your new baby, but the only true preparation is experiencing it first hand.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013


Well after reading my sisters blog this morning, which can be found here, I decided i would also do a confession session (ooh I rhymed).

...i love working out but getting to the motivation to go to the gym is so hard for me.

....i wish i could eat all the time, i love food. Especially snack food.

...i really want to have another baby. Everyone else is and its giving me baby fever like crazy.

...I always feel like people are staring at me when i workout.

...I love reading romance books, like they suck me in and i can literally lay in bed until 1am reading even though i am going to hate myself i hate to get up in the morning.

...Kendall sneaks in to my bed every now and then in the middle of the night and i let her because i would rather not get up and put her back in her own bed (i really need to kick this habit of hers though).

...i feel a big sense of accomplishment after i do a long cardio session and sweat is dripping off me and my shirt is wet from it.

...I am not a huge fan of summer, don't get me wrong i do enjoy it but i would be much more comfortable if the temperature stayed in the 70-80's range

...It irritates me sooo much when people steal my pen at work. I purposely only leave 1 pen on my desk so people don't steal them.

...I am mildly obsessed with all the royal baby stuff going on.

...I like listening to rap and hard rock music while working out. It is upbeat and makes me want to push myself more.

...I always have polish on my toenails and i will not wear sandals if my toe polish is chipped.

...I hate it when people call in on the phone angry at you for their own mistake. 

...I long to have a six pack, but i love food to much. 

...I really enjoy watching football.

There are some of the things that aren't super deep dark secrets but its not usually stuff i shout out on a regular basis. Happy Hump Day friends!

1 comment:

  1. Sadly, I was just thinking the other day how I wanted it to be fall so I could wear my tall boots and leggings again, and it would be crisp in the mornings and evenings but 70s during the day
