
A journey through the wild ride of being a first time mother

You can read every book on the shelf about being a parent and what to expect with your new baby, but the only true preparation is experiencing it first hand.

Friday, April 4, 2014

Fit Friday

I have been a total slacker this week, eek! I still worked out 4 times but didn't get my 6 full workouts in. I don't really feel guilty about it because i wasn't just sitting around being lazy.

Last week on Saturday i tried Oula for the first time. I didn't really care for it. It just wasn't fast paced enough for me. Maybe its cause it was my first time doing it and i didn't really know what i was doing but i just didn't feel like it was as intense as zumba. After the class though i went and helped my Friend paint her house. They just bought a new house and the people who lived there prior had the worst taste in pain EVER. I mean we literally had to paint the whole entire inside of the house. So after Oula i went and painted for 4 hours.

Then on Sunday morning I went back and helped finish up the painting. It took us 4 days of painting with 4 people to get it all done, it was a lot of work. Plus in the afternoon i went and played softball for 3 hours.

So I am being active just in a different way then lifting weights or doing cardio.

I have some good news to share next week and i am so excited, i have been wanting to share it forever but i had to hold off just so i didn't jinx myself!

There is only one week left in the challenge (thank goodness) I don't know why but this years challenge has been so much harder then last years. I have not been as motivated and have only lost 3 lbs. I am still proud of that ya but as much as i want my team to win, i am not sure if it is going to happen. We did try though.

I am pretty excited that is is finally getting warmer out. However, the problem i am running into is that all day long it is so sunny and nice and i will decide, i am going to go on a run and then as soon as i am off of work it is cold, windy and could possibly be snowing. Next week is supposed to be a lot nicer so i am hoping that i will be able to get out a couple of days and run so i can get out of the house. I also bought a jump rope to add to my little collection of home workout equipment. I have not used it yet but i think it will make a good addition to my cardio.

1 comment:

  1. I'm in a basement all day for work, so it's not as bad cause I can't see the nice weather out...but it sucks when I go out and have to come back in! Fingers crossed for some GREAT news soon!
