
A journey through the wild ride of being a first time mother

You can read every book on the shelf about being a parent and what to expect with your new baby, but the only true preparation is experiencing it first hand.

Monday, January 13, 2014

Ah Monday

Last week was my first full week back at the gym and it was hard. I really enjoyed being back in the mindset to push my body to its limit.

I am excited to go today. 

I got a Fitbit Zip and loving it is an understatement. This little thing is amazing. It keeps track of calories burned, steps taken and distance walked. I have been wearing it while i sleep even so it tracks my sleep activity. 

This is not the fancy one by any means. I would love to have the bracelet but it wasn't in my budget. This one i got off eBay for $35 but they normally retail for about $60 which still to me seems like a lot. But after wearing it for a week I would have definitely paid the $60. Keep in mind though that it has to be hooked up to the internet to get it set up.

After the first couple days i realized that i do WAY to much sitting at work. So i started getting up and walking around more. I do a few jumping jacks here and there or i will jog in place just to get myself up and moving. I still have yet to hit the 10,000 recommended steps per day but i am getting closer! 

One thing i did to help me out was bought an elliptical. We had one but took it over to my sisters cause we didn't really use it much since we all went to the gym. She is still using it and i was looking for something to help me out on days i didn't go to the gym or so i could do my cardio at home instead of spending so much time at the gym So i searched our local yardsale page and found one for $35. It isn't the nicest one but it is perfect for what i need it for and i have only had it for a few days. I find myself jumping on it here and there for a few minutes to bump my heart rate up for a little while.

Tonight i am going to start off with a few minutes of cardio just to get my body warmed up then i am going to go into my normal workout routine but finish it at home and do my cardio there. I am pretty excited to try this out.

And yet again I am also start up My Fitness Pal again. I have been lazy about it and not paying super close attention to what i have been eating. But now that the holidays are over and I am all caught up on crocheting i am going to fully devote my mind back to myself to get to where i want to be.

Happy Monday Friends!

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