
A journey through the wild ride of being a first time mother

You can read every book on the shelf about being a parent and what to expect with your new baby, but the only true preparation is experiencing it first hand.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Kendall and her daddy

Kendall and Jason spend a lot of time together, we try to go see him everyday or he comes and sees us. I have been taking zumba classes 3 days a week and he usually watches her while i go. I always wonder what they do when i am not there, sometimes when i get back the house is a disaster and there are toys everywhere or there are no toys out and it doesn't even seem like i was just gone for an hour. But I have found a few pictures he has taken for proof of what goes on.
 She walks around wearing sunglasses and playing,

(this is an old one) They watch football close up,

 She plays on the floor with the dog, she loves the dog, whenever we leave she has to give him a kiss goodbye.

and she manages to get enough of her dinner in her hair for it to stand straight up in a mohawk. You cant see it but her shirt in that picture says "Dirt makes me cuter" I guess in this case the food is the dirt

She loves spending time with him and they have a lot of fun together. When we go to his games she will yell "Go Dad!" or "Good job Dad!" and she will give him high fives or pat him on the back. They have their own little quirky relationship and have a lot of fun together.


  1. CUTE! Look how BIG she is getting! I really need to get over there and see you guys :(
