
A journey through the wild ride of being a first time mother

You can read every book on the shelf about being a parent and what to expect with your new baby, but the only true preparation is experiencing it first hand.

Friday, June 22, 2012

Hot Summer Days

Since Kendall has to be picked up from daycare by 3 I usually only work until around 2:30 which means we have the whole afternoon to do whatever until everyone else is off of work.
It has been fairly nice here this week and we have been taking advantage of it.
I have really been wanting to take her to the park and we have a few around here. Kiwanis park, which is by the river has some toys and big grassy areas so people mostly bring their dogs. I took her there once to just let her roam and walk around and she ended up following and chasing every dog she saw. There is Legion park which i have really been wanting to take her to but it has been closed because they were remodeling it, i was going to take her on Wednesday cause i thought they were finished but turns out they aren't quite and the sprinklers were running and there were tractors out there. I cant remember the name of the other park but they have a big huge play structure, i took here there once but she was a little younger and didn't know what to do. Plus there were SO many kids there and a lot of older kids like middle school age go and run around and make it hard for the younger kids to play.
So, on Wednesday instead of going to the park i took her to Dairy Queen and we got an ice cream and she wasn't really interested in it so after about 15 minutes we just went home and went on a walk to compensate for me eating most of her ice cream.
On Thursday i didn't attempt the park but as we were on our way home i remembered a little trailer that parks in the Albertsons parking lot and sells sno-cones. They were open so we stopped in and got one and she LOVED it.

She ate quite a bit of it and when we were getting close to finishing, one of our friends showed up and Kendall had to help her eat hers too.
Since she liked it so much and they are fairly reasonably priced we definitely will be stopping more often to enjoy sno-cones on those hot summer days.

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