
A journey through the wild ride of being a first time mother

You can read every book on the shelf about being a parent and what to expect with your new baby, but the only true preparation is experiencing it first hand.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Crying it out.....again

Over the course of the weekend Kendall didn't sleep past 6am and was up multiple times every night. However, this morning she woke up at 4:45am seems just a little early to me. It feels like I have an infant again.
This may sound harsh but she is so stubborn and such a manipulator and she knows what to do in order to get a bottle in the middle of the night. She has been waking up several times a night and she starts whining until progressivly it turns into crying. I admit it's my fault for giving in and giving her the bottle but only because its the middle of the night and i just want to go back to sleep.
This morning after our early start while i was laying in bed listen to her cry and scream at me for ignoring her, i decided it was time, yet again, to let her cry it out. It is really hard to let her do it since she shares a room with me and she can stand up and see me from her crib and she just screams at me cause i am ignoring her. I think for the next few nights i will be sleeping on the couch with headphones in so i can't hear her. It makes it a little easier not being in the same room.
The last time i had to have her cry was 2 hours long and I eventually gave up and gave her the bottle. It gets very frustrating when night after night she does this. She is tired and crabby, I am tired and crabby and it's just not a lot of fun for either of us. Hopefully it works this time, or it looks like i may have to move back into the spare room for a while to get her back on a good sleeping schedule.....again.

1 comment:

  1. She's entering into toddlerhood...where manipulation happens at its best! She's going to push limits now, to see what she can get away with. This is just the beginning!
