
A journey through the wild ride of being a first time mother

You can read every book on the shelf about being a parent and what to expect with your new baby, but the only true preparation is experiencing it first hand.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Birthday Girl

Sounds like I have been getting a little repetitive with these last few posts. But today is the big day, Kendall has finally turned 1!!!!! It has been an amazing year. I love watching he grow and learn new things. If you ask her where someone is she looks around until she finds them. She loves playing with the dogs, she will lay with them and pet them, but she does also pull their hair. Her and the cat have a love/hate relationship. Kendall loves the cat, the cat doesn't really like Kendall.

She has gotten to be a picky eater, and changes her mind all the time with what she wants. One day she will love something, the next she hates it. She does not like to be fed with a spoon, she wants to do it herself.

When I change her diaper or get her dressed you have to sing the itsy bitsy spider or she tries to get away. She can even partially do the motions.

At daycare they teach them sign language. The only one she knows is more and uses it when we are eating dinner. She will do the sign and say "mo"

She still loves bath time, and has fun playing in the water and splashing.

The things she can say and recognize are Mama, Dada, Dah (for dog), Ga-pa and Ga-ma.

We all love her a lot and couldn't imagine life without her, she truly is a little blessing.

1 comment:

  1. Awwww :) We all love her SO much :) I can't WAIT to see her again! Still thinking about coming to visit for a week, just not sure when. I have 2.5 weeks of vacation built up, so we'll see. It probably wouldn't happen for a couple months, but I'll definitely be thinking about it.
