
A journey through the wild ride of being a first time mother

You can read every book on the shelf about being a parent and what to expect with your new baby, but the only true preparation is experiencing it first hand.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Sick baby :(

Kendall is sick again. This time i think its a flu bug. She did have a flu shot, i don't think it had enough time to work into her system before she got exposed to the virus. On Tuesday I had to pick up from daycare 2 hours early cause they called and said her temp was 102! I took her home and she napped good and was just fussy, she managed to eat a little but i wasn't going to force her to eat it is impossible. After she went to bed it went downhill. She slept good for a few hours and then woke up and was throwing up, which happened to be all over me. She slept better then i was thinking she would probably cause we spent the night in the rocking chair, and she managed to keep down a small bottle in the middle of the night but in the morning she threw up again. I had to stay home from work obviously i wasn't going to send her to daycare sick and they also have a rule that a child has to be kept out of school 24 hours AFTER the fever goes away.

We spent the day at home and it was pretty uneventful. She took a 3 hour nap in the morning and Jason came over to visit us in the afternoon and she just sat there in a daze and then went back to sleep after about an hour. It was nice getting to stay home in an empty house. I was able to get most of my Christmas stuff done (I still have to get something for my brother and I dont know what), I had to move back into my room (the one i share with Kendall) cause my brother will be home and needs a room to sleep in. I got all my laundry done although it is still sitting on the couch folded cause Kendall was sleeping and i couldn't get in there to put it away without her waking up. I have been living out of 2 bedrooms for the past couple of weeks so i had quite the pile of clean and dirty clothes. Last night she was feeling much better after her fever went away and she slept better. However, her fever is back this morning at about 100. I had to come into work so Jason is watching her for a few hours, I will stop in on my lunch break to see how things are going and then my sister will pick her up when she is done working at 2.

I called the Dr yesterday and they said if she wasn't better by this afternoon to call again and they will see her. Hopefully it goes away cause this bug is making her miserable and taking a toll on her little body.

1 comment:

  1. Poor little nug :( Get Dillon a gas card. I was gonna do that and windshield wipers, but the wipers were $30 and I can't spend any more. He'll appreciate any help he can get with gas, I'm sure.
