
A journey through the wild ride of being a first time mother

You can read every book on the shelf about being a parent and what to expect with your new baby, but the only true preparation is experiencing it first hand.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Bumps and Bruises

Just taking a little snack break in the cart watching the world speed by upside down.

Last night Kendall had a little run in with the floor and got herself a little black eye, which is just red and swollen now. But last night it was the end of the world for her, she did one of those cries where they hold their breath until they are bright red and then let out this big scream. It was close to bed time so she was tired and it just went downhill after the incident.

I think I have all my Christmas shopping done, I just need to get one more small thing and I can do that here in town. Now I just need a few moments time to put some things together and I will be done. Jason and I are doing presents together for all our family this year, it is so much easier and it saves a lot of money. We are just getting each other something small cause we wanted to put a majority of our focus on Kendall. We are only getting her a few things and we decided this because EVERYONE is getting her a few things, so she will not be without anything. As much as I want to go all out and buy her tons of presents I am resisting cause she will be getting a lot of gifts and half of them she wont know what to do with. Right now we have 3 things and I want to get her 1 more but i am resisting. She doesn't know what Christmas is yet or the meaning behind it, next year we will be able to explain it to her better and she will probably understand the concept of it.

Christmas cards are in the mail today! We had a little printer malfunction so we had to go out and buy a whole new printer and we just got it yesterday. This is the first year I have done my own cards. Its looking to become a nice tradition.

I am pretty excited for Prairie Princess and her Hubs to come down and visit us for the holiday, they will be here in 10 days!!!! Its just a short visit but we are going to have so much fun. We have a game night planned and will be making lots of yummy food to eat. It is going to be a lot of fun.

I have been thinking of changing my blog a little bit. As much as I love posting about Kendall I sometimes feel I want to post a wider variety of things. I have been cooking a lot and its been some really good recipes. I would like to share those with you and just random other things that are going on. Its still in the thinking process, mostly cause i need to come up with a new name and cant think of anything. Any suggestions????

1 comment:

  1. I'll think about it on our loooooooong drive over there and we'll see what I come up with :)
