
A journey through the wild ride of being a first time mother

You can read every book on the shelf about being a parent and what to expect with your new baby, but the only true preparation is experiencing it first hand.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

An Unexpected Evening Alone

Last night was the very first night and the longest I have ever been away from my baby. We had plans to go to some friends for dinner and then stay at Jason's after his football game and Kendall was going to stay with us not a big deal. I had her port-a-crib all packed up and was getting ready to gather the rest of the things she was going to need for the whole night. My sister Danielle (who just moved back home yesterday), missed Kendall so much and didn't want me to take her away from her, asked if she could watch Kendall for the night. So I checked with my mom to make sure she was fine with it, cause I knew she would be the one doing most of the work, she agreed to it as long as Danielle was the one for sure going to get up with Kendall in the middle of the night (mind you, she only wakes up one time a night now around 2:30). I made 100% sure with everyone before I left that they were ok with her staying, I was perfectly fine with taking her with me, it was the plan all along. So I packed up myself and headed over to our friends for a nice taco dinner and then went back to Jasons when we were done.

It was so weird being away from her that long. Normally when I leave the house without her just to run to the store or something I always feel like I am forgetting something. I am not used to just being able to go do something without having to bring a diaper bag loaded with as much stuff possible anymore. Also throughout the night I think I woke up more times being away from her then when I am just a few feet away from her. All in all it was a good night and nice to have some alone time, but next time she is coming with me, I missed her to much.

1 comment:

  1. Danielle said you woke up early and missed her so you came home! lol
