
A journey through the wild ride of being a first time mother

You can read every book on the shelf about being a parent and what to expect with your new baby, but the only true preparation is experiencing it first hand.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Family Roadtrip

Today we are going to embark on a little family road trip across the great state of Montana to visit my older sister and her husband, oh and I guess my little brother too since he lives with them. It is an 11 hour car ride, which we are splitting up into 2 days. Tonight after work my mom, dad, little sister, Kendall and I will all hop into my moms new Dodge Charger and make our way to Bozeman, where we will be staying the night. Tomorrow morning we will get up super early and drive the rest of the way. The longest Kendall has been in the car is 1 hour up to Missoula. I am hoping she does really well. She used to hate the car and would cry the whole time up until she either fell asleep or you took her out of the car seat. If you can imagine listening to a screaming baby for that long its torture and very frustrating cause there is nothing you can do for them. I can only hope this evening and tomorrow she sleeps most of the time.

On to the next point....have you ever tried to pack for an infant for a 6 day trip with limited space??? It is extremely hard. I had to make a list and then I had to lay everything out on my bed to see it all and make sure there was enough of everything. Only in Montana in the end of May would you have to think to pack a sunhat, sunscreen and then also pack a beanie and warm winter clothes. Plus I think I have the pickiest child when it comes to what she wants to sleep with at night. She has 2 blankets she likes and a pillow. Ya ya it says not to let them sleep with pillows or blankets, but she will not sleep in her crib unless she sleeps propped up on her side with a pillow (which used to be mine, she stole it from me). So on top of all her clothes and necessities I have to pack a pillow.

I am really looking forward to our trip and being able to spend some time out in the middle of know where with my family (we are going to have a big apples to apples tournament) but packing has proved to be rather challenging. Also Jason isn't able to come with us, it will be the longest time we all have been apart from each other, we are going to miss him. To top it all off there is no cell phone service at her house...we will see how well all of us technology driven people deal with that.

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