
A journey through the wild ride of being a first time mother

You can read every book on the shelf about being a parent and what to expect with your new baby, but the only true preparation is experiencing it first hand.

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Such a sweet face

Last night after i finished a couple more beanies and was cleaning up i looked over and saw this sweet face just staring off into space "thinking" of course then she saw me taking her picture and had to ham it up for a few more until she wanted to do the picture taking.

It reminds me, that even though she may drive me crazy with her nonstop talking and constantly asking why, she is still my sweet and innocent little girl and i love her so much!

And she now lets me do her hair, FINALLY!!!! She was bald until she was over a year old so we never had a reason for bows or headbands and she hated when i did try to put headbands on her so we opted not to. Then she went through a phase when she finally had hair that she hated having it messed with. I finally managed to talk her into letting me at least brush her hair everyday so it wasn't a tangled mess. We were constantly battling with her hair being in her eyes and getting food in her hair.

When i picked her up from school Monday she had pigtails in and she left them in ALL DAY until i took them out before bath. Which is a huge accomplishment. Usually as soon as you mentioned how cute her hair looked she would rip out the pony tails. Every day this week we have done her hair. She can't just have 1 pony she has to have 2 ponies. So I pull the front into a small pony and then bundle it all up in the back for one big pony and after i finish i have to take her hands and let her touch where they are so she knows there is 2.

Its been nice actually getting to do her hair and i noticed recently it is starting to get pretty long. She sat still and let me snap a quick picture of her this morning right before we were on our way out the door for school we will see if she leaves it in all day again. Whats really cute though is when she asks Jason to do her hair for her.

Happy Thursday Friends!

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