
A journey through the wild ride of being a first time mother

You can read every book on the shelf about being a parent and what to expect with your new baby, but the only true preparation is experiencing it first hand.

Sunday, July 10, 2011


Peas and rice cereal anyone??? Kendall is now starting in on her vegetables. Today was day 3 of her eating them and she is really loving it. She loves just sitting in the highchair with us while we eat meals or when she is eating her veggies or cereal. Tonight she didnt seem very interested in the food and just wanted to eat her bib so there was food everywhere. It was a tad bit annoying cause i just wanted her to eat her dinner but she wanted to play with the bib and cloth i had sitting there. At one point she even tried to take the bowl and spoon from me, that would have made a mess. Later while we were eating dinner she was just sitting there watching sucking on a piece of celery. She is very curious about food and loves trying everything. Well most everything. I dont give her anything that is spicy or would give her an upset stomach, its mostly fruits or veggies and occasionally some ice cream or frosting. In a few more days she will get to try some green beans and from there we will move onto yellow veggies and then eventually fruit. Its a slow process doing one food at a time but before we know it she will be eating real food.

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