
A journey through the wild ride of being a first time mother

You can read every book on the shelf about being a parent and what to expect with your new baby, but the only true preparation is experiencing it first hand.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

It hurts so good

Well the gym has been a major success this week. I am proud of myself to getting back down to the weight i was after the challenge. It took a lot of hard work and eating very healthy but I did it (in a week and a half, booyah). I plan to keep going and i still need to drop a few more pounds until i get to my goal weight. 

Right now though my body is hating me. I was planning on skipping the gym Friday for a day of rest then going back Saturday for a hard workout in the morning before K gets home. But I am so sore today. I hit the gym hard the last 3 days putting in really good workouts, plus i played softball last night after i worked out. I can definitely feel it. I may or may not make it to the gym today. My body wants to rest but at the same my mind wants to keep pushing myself to get to where i want to be. 

I am seeing such good results that i am still undecided about what i want to do. My Fitness Pal has been so handy and it definitely keeps me on track knowing i have to log in what i eat and i can see how many calories i am consuming. 

On a completely different note. Kendall is having a blast at my sisters. Yesterday was their county fair and she got to go on lots and lots of rides with her Uncle Patrick and loved every minute of it. She is having so much fun but i miss the little monkey like crazy. This morning she called and left Grandpa a message that was the cutest thing i ever heard "Good morning Grandpa, I love you, have a good day." Almost made me cry, it was so sweet and precious. It made his day and he will never get rid of that message.

It has taken me some time to compile this post this morning so i think i have finally made up my mind and decided that going to the gym is still a good idea even though everything hurts, I will take it easy. When I get home i need to do laundry and clean out Kendall's dresser. It is long over due and there are so many clothes that are going to be too small come this winter so there is no need for them to be in there anymore, they are just taking up space. 

Happy Thursday friends!

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