
A journey through the wild ride of being a first time mother

You can read every book on the shelf about being a parent and what to expect with your new baby, but the only true preparation is experiencing it first hand.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Its been a while....

I know it has been a while and honestly i was slightly discouraged cause i really didn't think any one other then my sister read what i was writing. Turns out that is not true cause i have had several people this last week ask why i haven't posted anything in a while. So I guess i have some updating to do. I will start with the trip to the eye doctor that was 2 weeks ago.
I was impressed with the doctor and his staff. However, I was not impressed with the fact that we were there for 2 hours!!! What is it with doctors and making you wait so stinking long? Her appointment was at 1:30 and they tell you to get there about 15 minutes early to fill out paperwork so i did filled out the paperwork and we got in almost right away which was nice. We were at the Rocky Mountain Eye Center, which is GIGANTIC and has like 20 doctor offices inside this 1 building. It turns out we just got called back from the main waiting area into his small waiting area. They asked us why we were there which kind of seemed like a stupid question.
How they do things is a little different. They call us into an exam room, ask a few questions and then you go back to the waiting area and wait for your turn with the doctor. It was nice not having to wait in a little tiny room with expensive equipment and a toddler. Finally our turn with the doctor came and i was very impressed with him. Kendall was not uncomfortable with him at all and thought he was pretty funny. They had to dilate her eyes which she did fine with but while we were waiting for them to fully dilate we had to go back out into the waiting room. By the time they were fully dilated he had seen 2 more patients and Kendall was starting to get REALLY tired of being there.
When we went back in he held some of those little lenses in front of her eyes and looked into her eye with some sort of light and figured she was very farsighted and prescribed her glasses. As for the lazy eye she has to wear a patch over the good eye (which is the left one) and wear the glasses to help strengthen the lazy eye (the right one).

Here she is wearing the patch. They do not make cloth patches in toddler sizes. I have looked everywhere online and have not been able to come up with anything. She has to wear it at least 6 hours a day. The first time i tried to put them on her she ripped it off instantly but once i got her distracted she kept it on and now she knows that in the morning we put her patch on when she wakes up. She does not wear them when she sleeps it is pointless. Because they have adhesive on them it sucks taking them off, it is like taking off a band aid and she cries every time :(
 We had to wait about a week for the glasses to come in. I put them on her when we got them and she pulled them of right away. We let her look at herself in the mirror with them and tried to distract her but she kept pulling them off and wouldn't keep them on. Last night my mom put them on her and she left them on for a few minutes and would look at people across the room and wave with a big grin on her face. Which kind of proved to me that yes maybe she really does need them although she sees fine with them off. She was wearing them when i dropped her off at daycare this morning so i think she is getting more used to them. I am still struggling with it a little bit and i don't necessarily like it but like her I will have to get used to it.

1 comment:

  1. It will all be worth it in the end when she can see better all the way! And better to have it now than expensive surgery when she's older!
