
A journey through the wild ride of being a first time mother

You can read every book on the shelf about being a parent and what to expect with your new baby, but the only true preparation is experiencing it first hand.

Thursday, November 8, 2012


This has been a hair lifesaver. I started taking it about 2 weeks ago and the hand full of hair that used to fall out everyday is now just down to a few strands a day. 

Literally everyday for a long time when i take a shower i lose so much hair and there would always be a big ball in the drain. Even if i bought expensive shampoo or didn't wash it every day no matter what i always lost so much hair. It used to be pretty thick and it still looks pretty thick because of the fro i have going on from the curls but when it is up in a pony you can see how thin it really is. 

I have seen it on Pinterest several times but whenever i was at the store i always forgot to buy some. I finally remembered one day and i have been very pleased. I did do some research on it and what it does for the body. I never new that you needed Biotin and i don't think of lot of people do. I take a multivitamin and it has some in it but it wasn't enough. 

There hasn't been any improvement (that i have seen) on the skin and nails part of it. I was slightly hesitant about taking it at first because i HATE clipping or filing my nails and i thought this would make them grow faster then they already do. My skin has stayed about the same. 

I am more then pleased with the results it has provided for my hair. It did worry me as to how much hair i lost on a daily basis, but it has been cut down by i would say at least 80% I still lose a few strands but that is normal. Hopefully now it will start to fill back in and thicken up again. 


  1. Thank you! I'm going to have to try this :)

  2. Interesting...I never knew that either. I lose a lot, but my hair is thick as it is so I don't think I need any help in that department!
