A couple weeks ago we had our first softball softball tournament. It was a mens and corec tournament. Even though we have been practicing a lot the last couple of months, we did not do great. I think it threw people off that we were playing in mens and corec and that is the first time we have ever done both, so no one was solely focused on one thing. Our mens team is playing again this weekend. Hopefully they are more prepared now and will do better.
A 6:30am selfie :) The ONLY downside to having softball almost every weekend literally means i never get to sleep in. Most games start at 9am and when we are playing or travelling a majority of the weekends we have to leave the house by 7am. If we have to drive more then a couple of hours we will usually drive up the night before and camp for the weekend.
Kendall came with us on Saturday. Usually it is just her any maybe one other kid so she usually entertains herself with the toys and stuff i bring her. This last tournament though, we had probably 10 kids there with our team alone. She had a blast playing all day long. They went to the playground, ran, played in the dirt, went on walks. Kendall was exhausted but still played all day.
Finally about 4 that afternoon she just couldn't take it anymore and wanted to sit in the stroller with her blanket. We went on a little walk and she passed out. Last year and the year before i always used to make her take a nap and i would walk her around in the stroller until she fell asleep. This year i told myself it would be harder to get her to nap there because she would be playing and we don't have the big stroller anymore. This is the first time when we were there that she actually wanted to take a nap, so i let her.
The design of this tournament was not planned well. It is still pretty early in the year here and they had the last scheduled game at 7:40pm which was way to late and go figure it was one we ended up having to play in. After being out on the field in the dusk for some time (there are no lights on these fields) we decided to forfeit the game, it was way to dark and it just wasn't safe for anyone and they had no intentions of calling the game. When you can't see the ball coming until it hits the ground, its just not safe to be out on the field anymore.
Hi there! I'm Heather and I wanted to know if you could answer a question about your blog! My email is Lifesabanquet1(at)gmail(dot)com :-)