
A journey through the wild ride of being a first time mother

You can read every book on the shelf about being a parent and what to expect with your new baby, but the only true preparation is experiencing it first hand.

Monday, December 23, 2013

Fingers and Toes

Who doesn't love festive nails!

This was super easy to do. All you do is take a bobby pin and dip one of the rounded ends in polish and put your dots where you want them. The end of the bobby pin i used wasn't super round so i didn't get perfect circles but you get the idea. 

Its easier then using the brush, where you know in the back of your head you are just going to end up with a blob instead of a dot, but you do it anyways.

I am officially done with crochet orders for before Christmas, I have a lot of spare time now so i will probably end up working on some of the others i have to do just so i am really caught up on things. It was a little scary there for a few days and i didn't think i was going to finish, but i did and it was a huge relief.

Kendall is so excited for Christmas and i really can't wait either.

Merry Christmas Friends!

Thursday, December 19, 2013

First time Auntie!!!

Today in the next few hours (hopefully for my sisters sake) I will become an Auntie. My older sister Prairie Princess and her hubby made their way to the hospital last night around midnight to start preparing for Puppy Marshmallow's big arrival.

Puppy Marshmallow is the name Kendall gave to him because they are keeping his name a secret until he is born.

I so wish i could be there for her and even make a trip in the next couple of weeks. Unfortunately due to work and time off it will be a couple months before we get to go :(

I am so anxious and excited that i can hardly contain myself. I got lucky with only 5 hours of labor before Kendall was born and i know that is not the case with most first time labors. This waiting game is hard though. It is driving me crazy but i know soon enough that sweet little boy will make his appearance. 

Happy Thursday Friends, I hope you are having a Merry Christmas season and that you are all getting your shopping done.

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Mission Almost Accomplished

This is what a typical work week looks like for me. This was last week. It only lasted 2 days and ya there are a lot of people here but when someone brings in food people chow down. This is also why i didn't reach my goal by Thanksgiving. There is always snacks here. One of the ladies likes to go to the grocery store before work and you can tell when she is hungry when she goes cause she brings back Puffcorn (which is AMAZING by the way) those are oreo marshmallow squares you see on the side, then some peanut butter fudge, butterfingers and whoppers. This week there are turtle pretzels, peppermint oreo white truffle bark, sugar cookies and truffles.

This was our Thanksgiving spread. We like to have potlucks here and they definitely don't disappoint. When you have 15 people each bring something different in large portions. It usually results in almost everyone leaving early to go home and take a nap. Every couple of months we will do this to just reward everyone for the hard work they have been doing and its a great way to socialize with the other workers on a different level instead of only chatting while we work.

These are reasons why i have struggled to reach my goal. However as of today i am only 3 lbs away and i am determined to get there by the end of the year. Which means it took me almost a whole year but i lost 20 lbs, WOW, i am more then happy with myself for this.

I have been so busy with crocheting that i decided until i am caught up i am going to take some time off from the gym and will most likely start going back after Christmas. I have however been going to a pound rock out class twice a week and it is awesome. I have never had my whole body worked so hard in 45 minutes before. I am literally sore for days after and even though i have only been a couple times i can definitely see a transformation in my body from using my muscles differently.

That is one of the things that is the hardest for a lot of people who get into a consistent routine. You do the same thing over and over and over and your body gets used to it, that is where i am at right now with the gym. But since adding in this pound class i get a good cardio and muscle workout. It has been a nice change. Best part about it is the whole month of December the pound class is FREE.

Happy Tuesday Friends. Only a week until Christmas and i haven't wrapped a single present, oops.

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Such a sweet face

Last night after i finished a couple more beanies and was cleaning up i looked over and saw this sweet face just staring off into space "thinking" of course then she saw me taking her picture and had to ham it up for a few more until she wanted to do the picture taking.

It reminds me, that even though she may drive me crazy with her nonstop talking and constantly asking why, she is still my sweet and innocent little girl and i love her so much!

And she now lets me do her hair, FINALLY!!!! She was bald until she was over a year old so we never had a reason for bows or headbands and she hated when i did try to put headbands on her so we opted not to. Then she went through a phase when she finally had hair that she hated having it messed with. I finally managed to talk her into letting me at least brush her hair everyday so it wasn't a tangled mess. We were constantly battling with her hair being in her eyes and getting food in her hair.

When i picked her up from school Monday she had pigtails in and she left them in ALL DAY until i took them out before bath. Which is a huge accomplishment. Usually as soon as you mentioned how cute her hair looked she would rip out the pony tails. Every day this week we have done her hair. She can't just have 1 pony she has to have 2 ponies. So I pull the front into a small pony and then bundle it all up in the back for one big pony and after i finish i have to take her hands and let her touch where they are so she knows there is 2.

Its been nice actually getting to do her hair and i noticed recently it is starting to get pretty long. She sat still and let me snap a quick picture of her this morning right before we were on our way out the door for school we will see if she leaves it in all day again. Whats really cute though is when she asks Jason to do her hair for her.

Happy Thursday Friends!

Tuesday, December 10, 2013


This is the first year Kendall will have a stocking. We didn't do one last year because she was still too young to really understand presents and a stocking and she was pretty overwhelmed with the amount of presents she got. It took her almost all day to open everything.

This year we intentionally are keeping Christmas smaller (she is still getting a ton of stuff though). There is just going to be a few of us and instead of doing Christmas Eve with Jason's family we are going to go spend Christmas afternoon with them.

Anyways, back to the original topic. The stocking! Walmart had them for $1.98 which is great, i picked one up last week when i finished my Christmas shopping. The lady who babysits for us in the afternoon is a big crafter and has all sorts of sewing stuff so i took it over to her and she put Kendall's name on it.

Kendall is very excited about Christmas. Every day when we get home the first thing we do is put a cotton ball on her little advent calendar and she says "Ooh Santa's beard is getting bigger so Christmas is getting closer."

We have been working with her and talking about why we celebrate Christmas, and she will yell "It's Jesus' Birthday!" 

I am very excited for Christmas as well. I need to wrap all my presents still but there is plenty of time! I have seen the Christmas Eve gift lots of places so we are going to start that tradition this year with one present to open on Christmas Eve. I got a Christmas book, Christmas jammies and I am going to get a snack to put in with it. I can't wait to see how excited Kendall is Christmas morning when she wakes up and sees what Santa brought her.

Monday, December 9, 2013

Her future career

Kendall loves to use my phone. She is constantly asking if she can look at pictures or take pictures.

She is getting a little better at it.

Usually i get my phone back and have to go through and delete them because she takes so many.

These are the few that have still survived. Look at those cute little feet :)

Oh there i am just working away. Do you like my Minnie Mouse ears?

She must like taking pictures of feet, she has a few of those.

Happy Monday Friends, hope you all had a nice weekend. We are over her in the arctic trying to stay warm. Hoping that maybe we see double digits today that are not on the negative side of the thermometer.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

7 days later

Now that i think about it i should have taken a picture of day 1 to go with this post. But I usually don't plan my posts in advance.

This is my nail polish after 7 days using Essie No Chips Ahead Top Coat! There is a couple minor chips on 1 finger and there is some wear on the tips because I use my hands a lot. I bet if i put another top coat on they would last longer and look just as good for another week. The nail polish that i used cost $1.99, so its not some fancy expensive brand.

However that isn't going to happen. I will probably take this off and give my nails a few days of rest without polish on them before i decide what color i want to do next.

I need to correct myself. When i last posted about the nail polish brand i love i gave the wrong name. It is called Sinful Colors not Sinful Creations. Oops, i really did mean what i said when i come up with posts the day i post them and when i was writing i for sure thought that was the name.

I am excited for this coming Friday. I took the day off so i could go finish my Christmas shopping. Kendall will be in daycare and a good friend is going up with me. We will get some good quality girl time in and she can help me pick out lots of fun things to get K for Christmas. I only have a few things left to get. I am trying to use self control when it comes to buying her presents. She has so much stuff, I went through and cleaned out all the random stuff from her toy boxes (yes she has more then 1 toy box) but i am thinking that i need to do it again. She has a hard time letting go of things so i am thinking her and Jason are going to need to have some daddy/daughter time so i can do it without her being there so she hopefully wont notice anything missing.

Happy Hump Day Friends!

Monday, December 2, 2013

Tis the Season

I am so excited for Christmas this year! I only have a few gifts left to get and then the wrapping begins.

Kendall now has a little better understanding of what Christmas is and she keeps asking when Jesus' birthday is going to be. My sister and I did all our decorating this weekend and we put a few presents under the tree.

I found this Santa printout on Pinterest and thought it would be the perfect thing for her to be able to do every morning. All you do is glue a cotton ball on Santa's beard for each day before Christmas. Its definitely simple enough for a 2 year old to be able to do on their own (with parent supervision of course).

We are a couple days behind on it, but i figured she wont know plus she will enjoy getting to put more then one on when we get home today.

She is so excited about all the decorations. She got special lights in her room that Auntie made her and she helped Grandpa put the Christmas lights up outside. 

Yesterday she got scratched by the cat. It was a huge ordeal even though it is something that happens quite often. She is OBSESSED with the cat. Kendall is a pretty horrible sleeper. She wakes up at least once a night and gets out of bed and is usually awake by 6:30 most mornings. Last week one day at about 3:30 AM she comes into my room and says "Mom, i found Tamale (the cat), I am petting her." Then "No Tamale don't come in here! Mom, I don't want her in here." 

She was pretty upset about being scratched so Grandpa took her to get a band aid and next thing you know she is coming down the hall in a sling made out of a pillowcase with a band aid on a scratch that barely exists.

She walked around with it on for about 45 minutes until it finally fell off. She still held her arm up and could barely stand to take a bath because it would hurt her owie.

She enjoyed getting to take a few days off from school and spend time at home but at the same time it is almost too much time at home and by last night she was ready to go back to daycare and to see her friends.

Happy Monday Friends!