They survived the journey! Kendall called me once she got to my sisters. She did very good on the drive. She watched movies, ate snacks and had to stop and go potty 6 times. Which isn't as bad as i thought it was going to be. Once they got to the farm they had some dinner and then went out exploring.
She got to drive Uncle Patrick's truck around to go see the animals and I was told she liked to honk the horn a lot.
Look at this sweet girl out in the world. She LOVES cows so i am sure she will have a good time until she realizes how big they are close up.
She also LOVES horses. Our neighbors use our back field to let their horses graze so she gets to see them at home but there is always a fence in between her and them. Usually at home she is too scared to pet them.
Grandma and her girl :) While she is there she is going to name herself a cow and i wonder what she will come up with.
One thing i am surprised by is that when they got to my sisters Kendall wasn't shy at all. She gave my sister a big ol hug and kiss and didn't hide from her at all. She was a little shy with her Uncle Patrick but it looks like that went away pretty quick. She isn't really shy, she just pretends to be and she will even tell you that she is pretending to be shy.
They are going to go on tractor rides and 4 wheeler rides and there is so much open space for her to roam around and have a good time. I miss her but it looks like so far she is really enjoying herself.
**Also i realize anyone who reads my sisters blog is going to see a lot of the same pictures when she posts them.