This week hasn't been the greatest. I am slacking on taking pictures and not feeling any motivation to blog. Seems like a lot of the people i have had to deal with are just asking the stupidest questions and i cant help but shake my head.
Last week i took Kendall to the eye doctor for a check up. It originally wasn't supposed to be until the end of July but every now and then i would look at her and her eyes and they would look crossed. So i freaked out a little bit and made them get me an appointment sooner (they tried to tell me he was booked out until September but funny they had an opening for us just 2 days later).
Turns out i freaked out for nothing, go figure. It is natural for her eye to still cross sometimes which is why he says she needs glasses. Her other glasses were too small so she didn't like to wear them cause they hurt her head and since the surgery her prescription has changed.
Even in this pic her eyes look a little crossed but i think it is just the angle.
She was really excited cause she got to pick out her own glasses and they arrived in the mail yesterday. She hasn't work her other glasses in several months so she was a little hesitant to want to wear these but so far she has taken to it well and after a few more days it will seem normal for her to wear them again. What the doctor said is that she has trouble with close up stuff. I am still not 100% convinced she needs them. Her eyes are still developing so yes she may not see perfectly with out glasses but she hasn't worn them in months and didn't seem to have any problems then. Plus I watch her individualize things and pick just which snack she wants out of a container. She probably will not have to wear them forever and she sees far away just fine.
Happy Thursday friends. Tomorrow is finally Friday and i am soooooo looking forward to a weekend home, the next few weeks are going to busy.