
A journey through the wild ride of being a first time mother

You can read every book on the shelf about being a parent and what to expect with your new baby, but the only true preparation is experiencing it first hand.

Friday, May 31, 2013

Happy Friday

I am having mixed emotions today.

Kendall left this morning and it was really hard to say goodbye to her. I didn't cry even though i kind of wanted to. She is so excited to go on this adventure with Grandpa and right now they are sitting waiting for the BIGGGG airplane to take off. 

There are times when all i can think about is wanting a day off from mommy duties because i am stressed to the max and i just want a day to myself. Now that i have 4 days off i don't want them. I would rather her be back here so we can play and hang out and do what we do.

All I can think about is, what the heck am i gonna do without her there to entertain me?? We are supposed to have softball practice tonight if the weather holds out. I also plan on going to the gym a lot. Nothing better to pass the time then getting in a good couple of workouts. I have couches for the new house (whenever we get it) that need to be cleaned so i could always do that. I could probably read, I just finished 1 book yesterday it was called The Glass House by Jeannette Walls, it was really good. It was a memoir and i highly recommend it if you are looking for a good book to read. Next book on my list is The Carrie Diaries.

I know she is going to have so much fun but i cant wait until Monday when she gets home. 

Have i ever mentioned i have a weakness for Peanut M&M's, it cured the chocolate craving but man they are so good!

Happy Friday friends, hope you have a good weekend.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

It's OK Thursday

Ahhh, that is a sigh of relief for it being close to the weekend.

Even though it is a short week, this week has been a little hectic.

Here is what is OK with me this week... be nervous about Kendall being gone enjoy not having to do anything this weekend skip a day at the gym, my shoulder is really sore and it is an arm day so i am taking a day off wait to the day before Kendall leaves to do her laundry and pack for her buy a new color of nail polish every time you go to the store, i am slightly addicted to nail polish. have a serious craving for brownies or cake or something that is sweet and ooey gooey. not finish your cup of coffee in the morning because you just don't feel like it. think long and hard for days in advance about what you are going to blog about. buying a new swim suit because it was too good a deal to pass up. having said swimsuit be too big because you have been working out something fierce, boyah!!! letting kids be kids and play and get dirty and make messes secretly wish it will rain some more so you have an excuse to stay inside and read your book. Plus Kendall loves wearing her rain boots and jumping in puddles.

That's whats OK with me this week, what's OK with you?

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Kendall is going on vacation....without me

My sweet (not so) little monster is going on a mini vacation this weekend with Grandpa.
I have been away from her before for weekends but we have only even been a few hours away from each other and now she is getting on a big airplane as she says and going to California.
This picture was taken right before i left her for a weekend for the very first time. She was 5 months old and had just learned how to sit up on her own.

I am nervous. I know she will be fine and she will be with my dad and well they are like 2 peas in a pod and things will go smoothly and she will behave well but i am still slightly freaked out. Jason and I had to sign over guardianship for her while she is gone. 

She is going to have so much fun. This morning she told me she was going to go swimming at Auntie Lisa's house with Uncle Ron, Jason (my cousins hubby), Erin, Auntie Mandy, Troy and Mitchell and that she was going to swim like a puppy.

The trip is going to be very short. They leave Friday and come home on Monday. The are going down for my Great Grandma's 100th birthday party. Kendall has met her once before but we thought it would be important for her to be able to get to see her at least 1 more time in her life. 

Kendall is the only Great Great Grandchild and will be unless one of my siblings or one of my cousins on that side of the family decides to have children like right now.

As nervous as I am, i am really not sure what i am going to do with myself for a whole 4 days with out her. I plan on there being some wine drinking and sleeping in, but the rest of the time is up in the air. There will probably also be a lot of relaxing. 

Here's to a weekend off of Mommy duty!

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Wow what a weekend

We made the most of our long weekend and we had a lot of fun doing it. I didn't anticipate us doing this much stuff. We had a few things planned and then it turned into doing something all 4 days and we had a blast and Kendall really enjoyed getting to play with her friends lots. 

We started Friday evening off at Jason's house where he gave Kendall her very first baseball glove. She is in love with it. Its a little big still but she keeps talking about how she wants to take it to softball with us.

We were only at Jason's for a short while before we headed over to play with Kourtenay and Payton. I was supposed to have softball practice for the team i am playing on so Kourtenay was going to watch Kendall, but since the weather got bad we cancelled practice and I got to go play with Kendall instead.
 They got to make their own mini pizza's which was a lot of fun. They didn't eat much because all they wanted to do was make cookies.
 They both ate their fair share of cookie dough and thought it was pretty funny.

Saturday morning we had plans to go to our local farmers market and walk around then to go the park and lunch with our friends Kennedi, Raigan and Toni.
 They all had so much fun running around and playing for well over an hour before they all started to get grumpy and hungry. So we headed over to subway for lunch and they were all so excited that they got their own mini sandwiches.
We didn't have any plans Sunday, so we hung out at home and did lots of laundry and played outside for a while until the weather turned bad. Kendall helped with chores and then that evening we ended up going to some friends for a little BBQ.

 Monday morning our town has a small Memorial Day Parade. Kendall had never been to a parade before so we met up with Toni and her girls again and went and watched what was mostly cars, tractors and horses stroll down the street. Afterwards there was a carnival and everything was super expensive so we went down the road a little ways to the ranch supply store where it was customer appreciation and they had a free bbq and bounce house.
 Kendall had also never been in a bounce house before. I didn't think she would go in. She is in a shy stage now and i think because she was with people she knew she was more willing to try. I am glad she did. There are no words for the look on her face and how much fun she had jumping around. She was still talking about it this morning when she woke up. We will definitely be finding more bounce houses from now on.
Overall we had a really fun productive weekend. I cant wait until we get to do more fun stuff and lots of playing with friends. 

Friday, May 24, 2013


I should have made this post like a year or 2 ago. Although Kendall is potty trained, she still hasn't quite got bedtime down yet so she still wears a diaper to bed.
She doesn't wear diapers at nap time and usually doesn't have any accidents. 

Diapers are expensive!!!! When we were going through multiple a day i would buy the big pack but now that we only need 1 a day for at night i just buy the small pack and well it lasts about a month depending on how many are in it.

I have tried all different kinds and out of all my favorite brand that i think works the best is Walgreens brand diapers. 

Since she was a baby Kendall always peed out her diaper, every single night even if she went to bed with a dry diaper or you changed her in the middle of the night, she always woke up with wet clothes and it was frustrating.

I was hesitant to buy generic diapers because well honestly they suck, most of them feel like paper or are really hard and you would think they are uncomfortable. But one day we were almost out of diapers and i was in Walgreens and they had a deal of 2 small packs for $10 and that you cant beat i figured if i didn't like them then i was only out the $10 and could go buy a better brand or trade them in (did you know that Walgreens and most stores in fact will accept unopened packages of diapers and will exchange them for different size/brand??). 

I tried them out and loved them. The first night in them Kendall didn't pee out them which was awesome and honestly as far back as i can remember she has never peed out of them. I would buy these over any brand of diapers. 

I liked Pampers in the newborn and smaller sizes because they are really soft but once she got older i thought they were almost too soft and didn't do a good job. Huggies Lil Movers were my next choice but those are pretty spendy and i would only ever buy them when on sale so we ended up using Luvs a lot which are a good price and worked but wouldn't be my first choice. Then one day with not a lot of extra money i decided to go for the sale item and buy Walgreens diapers and have been using them ever since. I would say they are a mix between the Huggies and Pampers and they are now my first choice over any other brand of diaper.

The price on them is about the same as the name brand but they are ALWAYS on sale and you can get a big pack for $15 or you can get 2 small packs for $10 its a great deal

Whats your go to diaper brand?

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Its Ok Thursday

Here we are friends back to another It's OK Thursday

Here is what is OK with me this week... be looking forward to a weekend of relaxing and spending time with good friends think juicing is weird but still do it because its good for you. FINALLY hearing something about my house. It was only a verbal approval and they still have to sign the papers but that is better then nothing right? not shaving my legs because for some reason the water was stuck on scalding hot no matter where i had the nozzle set to and i was barely in long enough to wash my hair. saving money loving neon/bright colors. Bright colors make me happy.

...that working out makes me happy and when i have to skip days i get grumpy wanting to catch up on all the latest chick flicks that have come out. Any suggestions? being cold all the time, something must be wrong with me but it seems like my office is always freezing cold. buying knock off Toms, they came from China but only cost me $20, i am all about saving money any way i can. feel claustrophobic/anxious when there is too much clutter around. Being organized makes me feel like my life is in order. not fold the laundry or put it away and just dig through it to find clean clothes. Its on my to do list i just haven't had time.

That's whats OK with me this week, whats OK with you?

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

New kicks

Last week there was a death in my shoe family. This sweet little monster dog who eats anything and everything ate my shoe!!! I was not happy nor was i looking forward to having to go buy new shoes since mine were still in great condition, and i loved them.
I had washed them and had them sitting out in the sun to dry and this is partially my fault, but i didn't take them in out of the sunshine and next thing i know the top of my shoe had been eaten off. 

I went to our local sporting store that day and all the "sale" shoes were sold out in my size and all the shoe that weren't on sale were WAY more then i wanted to spend. I am all about finding a good deal. So for about a week I had to wear my old ratty tennis shoes to the gym and it was torture. For some reason shoes are very important to how you feel when you are working out.
I purchased my chewed up shoes at JC Penny so i did some online looking and found the ones i wanted but then had to wait for the weekend when we were going to Missoula before I could go searching to see if they had them. 
After several softball games and lots of being inpatient on my part i FINALLY got to go to the mall. 

Here are the new shoes!!! I had to put them on right away so they got a little dirty from being outside, but i love them just as much as i loved my last pair. And the best part is they were only $55 which i think is a great price. I like the grey with a pop of color from the laces and the bottom. They are also very comfortable. They make running on the treadmill seem like a nice leisurely stroll in the park. 

I am very satisfied and they were the last pair in my size so i got lucky. I would strongly urge everyone to check out JC Penny when shoe shopping before going to a big shoe store. I think they sometimes offer better prices then the big shoe store.

Happy Wednesday friends, the week is half over and for most of us, we are coming up on a lovely 3 day weekend.

Monday, May 20, 2013

Product Review

I stole this photo from my Salon's FB page. I didn't get a chance to take own.

I like most other people LOVE salon products and how well your hair turns out when the stylist is styling it. However, my bank account doesn't like me spending insane amounts of money on hair stuff.

The salon i go to Bittersweet Salon and Tanning and they posted Redken hairspray Control Addict 28 for sale the other day. I know it is the hairspray my stylist uses on my hair when she does it. I usually just buy the "cheap" $7 i found that works for me. As much as i wanted one i had to stop and think about it for a minute (i am not supposed to really be spending any money right now). 
After much deliberation i decided to go for it. They were on sale for $10 so i would only be spending $3 more then normal.

I love it. This past weekend I straightened my hair and then was outside all day at Jason's softball tournament and it was wet and rainy. I brought the bottle with me for fear that i was going to have to apply it many times to keep the frizz down from being in the damp air (which is what i normally would have to do in the rain). I put some on first thing in the morning before we left the house and had my hood on and off the whole time we were outside and when i got in the car to check out the "damage" at the end of the day my hair still looked exactly as it had when i left the house. AND i my hair didn't feel all hard and sticky or like i was wearing a helmet like it does when i use some of the other hairsprays.

I was impressed and in hooked instantly. I tried it today on my curly hair and so far it is working out well. I still have lots of volume to my hair (I like big hair) and the frizzies are being kept at bay which is sometimes almost impossible.

I suggest everyone go out and get yourself a bottle. If this stuff works on my hair it is guaranteed to work for you.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Words are hurtful

This kind of ties into yesterdays post a little bit. I was going to do another OK Thursday but wanted to talk about bullying instead.

Look at that sweet face :)

I dread when Kendall starts school. Not because she will be in school all day but of the people she will be around. Kids are mean, and it amazes me the words that come out of their mouths. I have seen several things in the last few days about how rude other kids are to people who they call their "friends." 

It is a serious problem, because people are different doesn't mean they deserve to be treated differently. I was afraid when Kendall had lazy eyes that people would make fun of her. No one did, but EVERYONE asks oh why is your baby wearing a patch and you have to go in and explain it over and over. It may not be bullying but its along the same lines.

The reason i wanted to write about this today is last night before i went to bed i saw a post about a young girl who has weight problems. Some people cant help the way they look. I have known this little girl since she was probably 3 years old and she is such a kind spirited person and is truly a very nice person. The things i saw being said about her by girls her own age were horrible. It made me really sad, i suggested to her sister that they should report the girl to the school and police. I would hope because there is such a tremendous problem right now with bullying that it would be taken very seriously. The way this girl said the words to her was intended to be cruel and hurtful.

That is the reason why i am scared for Kendall when she goes to school. It is hard but we are trying to raise her the best we can and to the be kindest person she can be. Not all parents raise their children that way. Kids learn by example and if you are treating people badly then most likely they will too.

 Girls are intentionally mean to one another and do not care how it makes the other people feel. Lets go back to the basics and reteach everyone that "if you don't have anything nice to say don't say anything at all" it really is that simple and more people should be mindful of that.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

She can see!

While reading another blog this morning about a little girl who has an eye condition. I realized that it has been a while since i have given an update on Kendall's eyes.

She is fine! 
As of today people still ask me about it and how she is doing, like the surgery was just last week. It irritates me, the surgery was last December, yea she had the whole creepy red eye thing going on but after that went away you couldn't even tell she ever had lazy eyes. 

She wore her glasses for quite a while after the surgery to help strengthen the muscles that were cut. But now she doesn't hardly wear them at all. I think the eye doctor wants her to wear them but when she can see just fine without them and notice things close up and far away i don't have problem with her not wanting to wear them. Not only that but they are too small for her face now so i think it is slightly uncomfortable for her to wear them.

She goes back to the doctor for another full eye check up in July so we will see what he says then. I am not convinced she needs the glasses anymore. Originally when we went in initially it was decided that she probably would have to wear them forever just until her eyes got strong enough or until they were fixed. So going in to this appointment (even though its 2 months away) I will let them give her the full workup but i am not convinced that she needs the glasses anymore. She will see them and want to put them on and as soon as we get them on she takes them off and says i don't need to wear them. So i think maybe they are bothering her eyes now more then they are helping her.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013


I am so excited i can hardly contain myself. I am going to start juicing. A few of my friends already do it and i was very interested in learning more about it and after a dinner with friends last week and trying some "samples" i decided i was going to go for it. I had to find a juicer. The friend who I had dinner with spent $300 on hers and there was no way i was going to spend that much. I technically shouldn't be spending any unnecessary money right now because of all the house stuff and how much money i am going to need for that, but i REALLY wanted to start juicing. 

So I did lots of research and after reading lots of reviews i found this juicer. It is not the fanciest or the best kind out there but it was in my price range and the reviews on it were awesome. So I did some more searching and went on eBay, amazon and Walmart. Brand new at Walmart they are $55 I found one on amazon for $30 so i snatched it right up. The picture isn't of mine, its of my friend Toni's, she got hers first and i am jealous.

Mine isn't scheduled to be here until tomorrow and i am anxiously waiting. Because i am working out i am still going to eat meals, i am not going to use the juicing as a complete meal replacement. But i will have my juice at every meal and then eat a protein to help give my body the energy it needs to work out.

I have already made my grocery list of fruits and veggies and am planning out my meals and which juices to have with what meals so i can get started as soon as i get the package in the mail tomorrow. Wish me luck!!!

Monday, May 13, 2013

Haircut success

Kendall got her haircut on Saturday. She had been talking about it for days since i got her an appt. She even told her teacher that "i have to get a haircut cause my hair is crazy" which is totally the truth.

We ended up getting their really early which probably was a good thing, cause she got to watch Donna cut another girls hair and see that it was an ok thing. The thing with Kendall is, she gets so excited to do something and then as soon as its time to do it she becomes SUPER shy and changes her mind. So it worked out good that she got to watch for a while and get comfortable with the place and people.

She wouldn't sit on the stool in the chair so she just ended up standing in the chair which was ok.
At first she was like um what are you doing to my hair, i am not sure i like that.

 She watched herself in the mirror some and thought it was pretty neat

 And by the end she was having so much fun she was playing peek-a-boo with Donna (who also cuts my hair)

I do notice a little bit of a difference in her hair. She is actually willing to let me clip it out of her eyes. We didn't cut a lot off but it is a little short now for ponies now. It doesn't seem to get as tangled and she is more open to the idea of letting me brush it to keep it out of her face. It seems thicker now and i hope it starts to grow fast so it can get long and so she can have pretty curls all over her head.

Friday, May 10, 2013

To cut or not to cut

For a long time i have debated whether or not i wanted to get Kendall's hair cut. I love her hair now that it has finally started growing and its getting pretty long. Unfortunately for her she has curly hair which means that no matter what her hair is always out of control. She already has to use a shampoo with conditioner in it so it doesn't get all tangly and even sometimes that doesn't help.

I think Thursday afternoon was the deciding point about the hair cut. When i picked her up from daycare her hair was a complete mess with serious tangles that wouldn't come out and it just felt all knotted. I know it will be good for her hair but i just have this vision in my head of her having long beautiful curls. 

So Saturday she will be getting her first haircut. The feeling is a little bittersweet (haha no pun intended but the place she will be getting it cut at is called Bittersweet Salon) but this will help clean it up and make it grow faster and hopefully make it a little easier to manage.

Right now it is always getting in her eyes and she refuses to wear headbands and as soon as you put a "pony" in she pulls it out.

Have a good weekend friends.

PS: I bought a juicer, i am excited to try it out. I have been wanting to do it for a while. Now if it would just hurry up and get here.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

It's OK Thursday

Its almost the weekend. I am taking part of tomorrow off to get some of my stuff ready for a garage sale i am having with Jason's mom this weekend. 

With out further delay, here is whats OK with me this week take part of Friday (i know i already said it but that's ok too) not spend money. Jason's mom Marci for helping us out so much with this house process and buying many of the things we need. still have no new news regarding whats going on with our house. it finally being warm enough to enjoy being outside falling behind in the challenges i started last week. I am already going to the gym 5 days a week and taking Kendall walking since its been so nice. It was all getting to be a little much, but mind you i am still doing some just not as much as i am supposed to be doing. love doing planks. The results are amazing, i have been doing them daily for about 3 weeks now and its paying off. I suggest everyone do planks. still not knowing what i am going to get mine and Jason's mom for mothers day. stay up to late reading a book, oops.

... to only "buying" the free books for my kindle. There is a rather large free selection and you can find some pretty good stuff in there. I will only buy the book if i am SUPER interested in reading it. plan ahead. If i am not prepared in advanced it stresses me out like no other.

...for getting a compliment from my mortgage broker about how thankful she is that i am on top of all the constant paperwork i am having to turn in. not know what exactly i am going to do for daycare when Kendall turns 3 and can no longer go to the Early Headstart program.

What's OK with you this week?

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Singing Silly Songs

Yay, it is finally nice enough to wear some of her new outfits from Auntie Colie.

Kendall is a singer and a talker and a jumper. I cant get her to stop talking. She talks herself to sleep, she talks in her sleep and she wakes up talking. The kid doesn't stop.

Her favorite song right now has to be old mcdonald had a farm and she sings e-i-e-i-o over and over and over but it sounds more like YIYIYOOOOO-OOOO-OOOO. When you sing it with her you sing and she picks the animals.

She also likes itsy bitsy spider, twinkle twinkle little star, the turtle song, ABC's

I have noticed that little boys love dancing but little girls love singing.

There are times when i will put her down for nap and it takes her over an hour to fall asleep cause she is in there singing to herself.

With talking she says some pretty funny stuff, i need to start writing some of it down. 

"peanuts are sick" 
"have someting else?"
"ooh pretty shoes"
"need ketchup"
"my daddy's Jason"
"mommy has cazy hair"

She says so many more things and will repeat anything you can tell her to. I know a few people who have kids around her age and they don't talk nearly as much as she does. I don't know if its because she is a girl or because she just likes to talk. But she is very advanced in her vocabulary, like she speaks full sentences and you can have an actual conversation with her.

She is pretty shy to new people but if she knows you beware, she will be your best friend and talk your ear off. Also this may not be a good thing (stranger danger) but if she is being shy towards you, if you give her food she will instantly warm up. She is starting to stray away from that though. 

Join me again tomorrow for another week of It's OK Thursday!

Monday, May 6, 2013

Fun Filled Weekend

Jason had another softball tournament this weekend. He had a hard time getting enough guys who could play and then came the people who had to back out at the last minute putting him in a bind to find more people to play since he had already committed to the tournament. After many phone calls he finally got enough people for Saturday. They had a 9am game which meant we had to leave the house by 7. I really enjoy going and watching him play but getting up at 5:30 on a Saturday morning sucks.

They won their first game so they didn't play again until until 1pm. In these tournaments its very beneficial to win. There is a 3 game guarantee which means no matter what you get to play at least 3 games to make it worth while for your team. They won the 1pm game and were done for the day. We were staying up with our friends again so we didn't have to make the drive 2 days in a row, but we hung out at the fields and watched a couple of our other local teams play and Jason ended up playing for 1 of them for the final game of the day.

Saturday night Jason had to scramble some more and find a couple other guys to play for guys who could only play Saturday. It was kind of a fiasco. But he found people and all was well. He is running the team this year so its a little more stress on him. They only had to play 2 games on Sunday and ended up winning the whole tournament which was awesome. You pay a bunch of money to play these tournaments and all you get out of it is a shirt. I had to keep score and wrangle a child all weekend i feel like i should get a shirt too. 

Afterwards we went to BWW for some wings. Drextin is Kendall's cousin. His dad is on the team this year so we are getting to spend lots of time with him.

Please excuse my messy child, the picture doesn't do justice as to how dirty she really was, you would have thought she rolled in the dirt if you had seen her and he hair is always out of control. She refuses to let me put it in a pony. She loves wings.

Our friends have a dog (obviously) but she is kind of very territorial and for some reason she never liked Kash but now that they are getting to spend more time together they are finally getting a long and after a long day of softball out in the sun they took a nap together.

Kendall missed her Auntie, Grandma and Grandpa and a combination of barely getting a nap Sunday afternoon we kind of just let her do whatever she wanted. Which was plaster herself in stickers. Now that i think about it, i never actually saw her take any of the stickers off and i know she doesn't have any more on her so i really have no idea where they went.

The next tournament is in 2 weeks, our friends live in an apartment complex and their pool will be open by then, here is to super healthy eating and lots of working out the next 2 weeks so i can be ready to put on a bathing suit eek.

Friday, May 3, 2013

30 Day Challenge

A couple girls i am friends with started a 30 day squat challenge a couple weeks ago. I waited to start because well i would rather start the beginning of the month instead of in the middle, it is easier for me to keep track that way. Yesterday i did my 50 and today i am on my way to 55. My butt and legs are way sore. In zumba we did a lot of squats so 50 wasn't really hard for me but the combination of going to the gym and working legs and then doing squats was a lot of work. Today I am working legs again, we will see how this goes. The 250 on day 30 is a lot of squats, i better have the best looking booty when this is over.

On top of the squat challenge, we also decided to do a plank challenge. I have been doing planks a lot in zumba and i started doing them at the gym everyday so 20 seconds didn't seem very long. I can already do it a minute long so i decided i would just add a minute to everything. Plank is one of the best things for fast ab results and not only does it work your whole entire stomach, it works low back/love handles, quads, shoulders and biceps. 

A good motivation for me when my body starts to burn but you aren't quite finished is to picture the end results. All this hard work that  you are putting into yourself will pay off if you eat healthy and work your body hard. Picture yourself in those tiny little jeans or your itsy bitsy bikini and it will give you the extra push you need to make it through those last few seconds/squats.

I LOVE working out, it makes me happy. Life has been so stressful for me with this whole house situation that i look forward to going to the gym at the end of the day to clear my head and just relax.

*** I need to proof read these better before i post them, today i am actually doing 60 squats, i wrote this yesterday, oops :)

Thursday, May 2, 2013

It's OK Thursday

Hey all I hope you are having a good week so far. Lots of things have been going on in this neck of the woods. Here is whats OK with me this week. gaining a couple pounds back, i think its because i am doing more muscle training and less cardio. Muscle weighs more then fat. have a weakness for jelly beans. Its not my fault people keep bringing them into work. not liking creme/jelly filled donuts. getting your mortgage broker to switch to a different lender for your house loan so you don't have to pay as high of closing costs. being completely stressed out about the whole house thing. They don't tell you how much it actually costs to "close" on a sale unless you ask and i even took the class. be thankful Jason's mom is going to be helping us out and buying some house stuff for us (we still don't have the house yet but, you gotta be prepared). not doing the dishes because it was just one of those days. be wearing boots and a sweater on the first day of May. feeling like a rockstar because you can plank for over a minute on the front and 45 seconds on each side. second guess some of the decisions you make. start a 30 day squat and plank challenge on top of going to the gym 5 days a week, my butt is gonna look good. having lots of things to put on the OK list today, i could go on and on. having over 100 page views on my little blog yesterday, thank you, it really is appreciated when i actually see people are reading my blog.

Whats OK with you this week?

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Product Review

I have curly hair, it sucks. It has a mind of its own and if i don't do the exact same routine to it everyday it just doesn't cooperate.

My sister worked in a boutique that had a hair salon in it, they sold Aveda products and she would get them for cost instead of retail. When you have temperamental hair the last thing you want to do is go spend $30 on 2 bottles of hair product and not have them work. So since she could get them at cost i decided to give it a shot. 

I had her get me the Aveda be Curly products. One of them is a sculpting gel and the other is a hair prep. There are other products in the line but i wanted to start out small and see if these would help me.

So far so good. I start by putting on a little bit of the hair prep in and then i put work in the sculpting gel and then i flip my head upside down and blow dry my hair (i use a difuser on my hairdryer) until its almost completely dry. With this you get a soft curl but you still have volume. After a few days of trying it, i do like it and it works for my hair. The key is to evenly get it on all of your hair or it gets a little frizzy in the areas that don't get enough product on them. BUT if you use to much then it leaves your hair a little oily feeling in the areas that got to much on it. 

Its a balancing act that i haven't quite figured out yet, i am sure after a couple more days i will have it down to a science. 

Join me tomorrow for another week of It's OK Thursday.