
A journey through the wild ride of being a first time mother

You can read every book on the shelf about being a parent and what to expect with your new baby, but the only true preparation is experiencing it first hand.

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Peel Off The Pounds

 Last week on Friday I started a Peel Off The Pounds Challenge it is 8 weeks long and we have almost completed the first week. The place I do Zumba is hosting the challenge and there are other local businesses who sponsor it. We have 4 people on our team (which is names Mission Slim-Possible) and your goal as a team is to basically lose the most weight out of all the other teams. You win money and they also donate to a charity of your choice if you win. 

I wasn't super excited about joining the challenge at first but thought why not? I have been "stuck" at the same weight since i had Kendall and seemed no matter what i did i couldn't not lose the weight. I decided to do a complete lifestyle change during the challenge and hopefully it will carry over after the challenge.

As of last week on Friday i have completely changed my diet. Here is a sample of what my daily food intake looks like:

Breakfast @ 6:30 am:
coffee with sugar free creamer
4oz orange juice
4oz milk
1 orange yogurt
Mix it all together in a blender bottler and it makes a very filling smoothie that requires very little work 

Morning Snack 10:00 am:
I have one of these options
hard boiled egg
1/2 wheat english muffin with fat free cream cheese, no butter :(
1/2 avocado

Lunch 12:00 pm:
1 Cup Brown rice 
1/4 Cup spinach
1/2  tomato, diced
1/2 Cup lean meat (Ground turkey, grilled chicken or grilled deer/elk steak)
1 T balsamic vinaigrette
I heat it all up together and its really good and very filling

Afternoon snack 3:30 pm:
V8 (small can)

Dinner 7:00 pm:
Dinner Salad with balsamic vinaigrette dressing
Lean Meat (turkey burger, grilled chicken or grilled deer/elk steak)

I use My Fitness Pall (follow me MichelleDM1987) to track how many calories i am eating a day. It gives you a suggestion of how many you should eat based on how much you weigh and how much you want to weigh. It says no matter what you should eat a minimum of 1200 calories a day. You can track your exercise and put in how many calories you burn. I have found even though it looks like i eat a lot of food during the day, because i almost eliminated all carbs i don't reach the 1200 calorie mark. If that happens i will add in a serving of cottage cheese with my dinner or eat a healthy snack so i reach 1200. 

I have completely cut out bread other then the whole wheat muffins, potatoes are a big fat no (i did try to make sweet potato chips but i failed), absolutely no white rice and because cheese doesn't really agree with me i have completely cut that out other then cottage cheese and fat free cream cheese they don't even count as "real" cheese anyways. I try to not eat any beef either which is actually really easy since we have a freezer full of wild game. 

Instead of working out only 3 days a week i now do 5 days a week. Monday, Wednesday and Saturday are Zumba classes. Tuesday is Zumba toning and Thursday is a strength training class. When it decides to be spring i will add walking/jogging into the mix.

The best news of all of this is since i changed me eating habits i have lost 5 POUNDS since i weighed in Friday evening. I was noticing last night how good i feel. I don't feel weighted down from all the "heavy" food. Although i don't notice a huge difference in my body yet, my stomach doesn't have the "pooch" it normally does from eating carbs. 

Water is also a big help. I drink over 100 ounces of water a day. I take vitamins in the morning with my smoothie (its important to eat when you take vitamins it helps break them down so your body can absorb them) so i am not depleting my body of all the important stuff it needs.

To make the eating easier, I made a meal plan and grocery shopped for the whole week and made all my food over the weekend so all i have to do is grab a container from the fridge and heat it up. 

I am dreading when i hit a slump because i know it will happen when i reach a certain point. I will have to work hard to get over that obstacle and not get discouraged when i don't see the results i want. 

Set a goal for yourself, it will make you work harder to reach it and once you reach it you will feel very accomplished.

I hope this helps more then just me :)

Lastly, who cant resist a sloppy kiss from this sweet girl, i sure cant.