While browsing Pinterest a few weeks ago I saw this and after looking it over i thought it was a really great idea. I, like many other people, have a hard time saving money and usually only put money into my savings account if i feel like i have a little extra that month.
I decided i was going to do this challenge and so far it has been really easy. It works well for me because i get paid every week. Every week on payday i log into my online banking (which i highly recommend would be the easiest way to do this) and transfer however much money i need to that week. I printed off a copy of the picture and pinned it right next to my computer at work so i can't accidentally forget to transfer the money. It has been 4 weeks so far and well my savings account has only gone up $10, but that is better then nothing. I still plan on adding in money when i have extra. But I am looking forward to the end of the year when i will have saved up the full $1,378.00
There are different ways you could do it. You could try saving cash every week. That doesn't work for me cause i would end up spending it. By putting it directly into my savings account i can't access it as easily as if i just had a wad of cash sitting in a drawer (plus i never have cash on me). The plus side of putting it in my savings is that i will earn interest on it. If you are really dedicated you could double the amount you put in weekly which would give you an end result of $2,756.00
One of my new years resolutions was to stop spending so much money on meaningless things that i wanted but didn't really need (like nail polish) so i could save up more money. When i saw this i new it would be perfect for me. When i started i didn't really have a specific goal in mind for what i want the money for other then for savings. I would rather have money saved up for a rainy day or unexpected expenses then worry about where i am going to get money from if i ever get into a bind.
This is really helping me and I hope by passing it a long it will be able to help other people as well.
PS: I just got back from sunny CA and it was in the high 70's. Today i am sitting at my desk bundled up in a blanket with the heater on freezing my butt off.