
A journey through the wild ride of being a first time mother

You can read every book on the shelf about being a parent and what to expect with your new baby, but the only true preparation is experiencing it first hand.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Better late then never

Back in December I had pictures of Kendall taken with Santa. I got her all dressed up and Jason and I took her down to the store where they were doing them and it took all of 5 minutes. They were supposed to be done about a week later and i went in to the store to pick them up and the lady had to explain to me how sorry she was but there was about 50 sets of pictures that had managed to disappear and Kendall's were some of them.
I was a little disappointed cause it was her first Christmas, but i couldn't really complain too much cause they were free. So without further delay (even though it has been 4 months already) here are the Christmas pictures in in April.

We tried really hard to get her to smile but she wouldn't, she was kind of mostly curious who the man holding her was. There was also an elf sitting next to him, but he didn't seem to make it into any of the pictures. Happy Friday everyone, I hope you have a good weekend!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Cross Eyed Monkey

This last week we have had a few nice days. Last week i took her to the park. It was fun, she swung for a few minutes but we mostly walked around and she climbed up and down the steps a few times. Yesterday after work we went and visited Grandma at work for a few minutes and then went on a nice 2 mile walk along the bike path in Corvallis. Today is supposed to be nice again so we will probably do the same.

Yesterday morning i took Kendall to the doctor for her eyes. About a month ago we noticed her right eye goes crossed so we decided to keep an eye on it for a little while and see if it keeps doing it. So I looked it up online, and it said basically why it happens is because 1 eye is stronger then the other so the brain rejects the image that is blurry causing it to go crossed. It can be fixed by putting en eye patch over the good eye forcing the brain to use the weak eye so it gets stronger. It said to go have it checked out by your doctor. It also suggested that there could be a possibility of being nearsighted. I made her an appointment and took her in. We for like the second time ever didn't have to wait more then 10 minutes they weighed her (she is at 28 lbs, fully clothed in shoes), took her pulse and then the doctor came in asked what was wrong, so i told her. She had me hold my hand in front of one eye and then the other and all she did was wiggle her fingers in front of her eyes. She then proceeded to tell me yes something was wrong, which i obviously knew, and said she would have to refer me to a pediatric eye doctor. So they made an appointment for me and the first availability they had isn't until MAY 21ST in Missoula!!!! It would have been really nice when i had called a week ago to make the appointment they had told me she will need to see and eye doctor so i didn't have to take time off work to take her and then a half day off work so i can take her to Missoula. It's a good thing she has insurance cause we sure seem to have to use it a lot.
She also didn't think that her going cross eyed for a month was that long. Since she is young and we caught it early it can be fixed, but i would rather get it fixed now instead of waiting until it is too late.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Easter Weekend

This Easter weekend we started out by dying some eggs with kool-aid, I got the idea from Pinterest. It took a little longer then regular food coloring and vinegar does, but it still worked. She really liked stirring them and touching them, her fingers were stained purple by the time we were done. She even had some spots and drips on her legs from when she was taking the fork out of the bowls.
When we were finished coloring eggs and i went to take them off the counter she cried cause she wanted to keep playing with it. It was really fun this year so i can only imagine next will be even better and a lot more fun.
On Saturday the day of Jason's football game we went up to Missoula to watch and participate in the Easter egg hunt they were hosting at the field. Jason's mom Marci was there as was her BF Scott who we call Grandpa Scott, and Great Grandpa Gabe was there. I am sure glad they brought their camera cause i sure didn't get a chance to take any pictures. Kendall wasn't quite sure what to do with the eggs, she would just hold them and it ended up being Marci and myself picking up most of the eggs and putting them in her basket.
They had the field roped off into sections for age groups. There was so many people there and the only section parents where allowed was the 0-3, it really surprised me when i saw parents running through this section literally scooping eggs into grocery bags so their kids could have more. It seemed a little childish to me when you are supposed to be helping your children to learn about the holiday.
Overall, Kendall had a really good time and she managed to stay awake for the whole game and all she wanted to do was walk around and she pretty much did for the duration of the game. The regular season is only 8 games long and depending on how they do depicts how the playoffs will go for them. Hopefully they win a lot cause that means they don't have to travel anywhere and all the games will be in town.
Tomorrow i will tell a story about how i wasted my time taking Kendall to the doctor this morning for her eyes. Have a happy Monday

Thursday, April 5, 2012

That time of year again

Jason plays on a local football team in town and their first game is this weekend in Missoula. He is #3 and last year he won an award for having the most interceptions out of the entire league and he got to play in the all-star game.
We try to go to all his games, except for the away ones (with the exception of this weekend) it is to hard to travel with Kendall on long day trips.
This weekends game is the season opener and I am going up with Kendall's kind-of Aunt and Cousin and we are going to go shopping and before the game starts their is an Easter Egg hunt on the field i am going to let her participate in.
This pic is actually of her at a softball game but i couldn't find the one of her i had at the football games from last year. Its basically the exact same as this though. She ends up sleeping through most of it, it doesn't amuse her and she gets bored. We will see how long she lasts through the game on Saturday. I didn't figure we would be able to go to as many games this year since she is so mobile now she will have a hard time sitting around in the stroller. I am mostly excited to take her on her first Easter Egg hunt, she should have fun but probably wont know what to do....I guess i need to get her a basket