This last week we have had a few nice days. Last week i took her to the park. It was fun, she swung for a few minutes but we mostly walked around and she climbed up and down the steps a few times. Yesterday after work we went and visited Grandma at work for a few minutes and then went on a nice 2 mile walk along the bike path in Corvallis. Today is supposed to be nice again so we will probably do the same.
Yesterday morning i took Kendall to the doctor for her eyes. About a month ago we noticed her right eye goes crossed so we decided to keep an eye on it for a little while and see if it keeps doing it. So I looked it up online, and it said basically why it happens is because 1 eye is stronger then the other so the brain rejects the image that is blurry causing it to go crossed. It can be fixed by putting en eye patch over the good eye forcing the brain to use the weak eye so it gets stronger. It said to go have it checked out by your doctor. It also suggested that there could be a possibility of being nearsighted. I made her an appointment and took her in. We for like the second time ever didn't have to wait more then 10 minutes they weighed her (she is at 28 lbs, fully clothed in shoes), took her pulse and then the doctor came in asked what was wrong, so i told her. She had me hold my hand in front of one eye and then the other and all she did was wiggle her fingers in front of her eyes. She then proceeded to tell me yes something was wrong, which i obviously knew, and said she would have to refer me to a pediatric eye doctor. So they made an appointment for me and the first availability they had isn't until MAY 21ST in Missoula!!!! It would have been really nice when i had called a week ago to make the appointment they had told me she will need to see and eye doctor so i didn't have to take time off work to take her and then a half day off work so i can take her to Missoula. It's a good thing she has insurance cause we sure seem to have to use it a lot.
She also didn't think that her going cross eyed for a month was that long. Since she is young and we caught it early it can be fixed, but i would rather get it fixed now instead of waiting until it is too late.