Wednesday we left on an airplane headed for CA. Our first flight left without any problems and Kendall did really well, only whining from having to be cooped up and not able to move around a lot.
We almost missed our connecting flight in Seattle due to the fact that they failed to mention the gate we were departing from switched. I am glad i went and asked what was taking so long.
Our flight was on time and we went to my Grandparents (my moms parents) house for dinner, it was my Grandpas very first time meeting Kendall.
Then, we went to my other Grandparents (my dads parents) to stay for the night.

Thursday morning we relaxed for a little while and then headed over to my Aunts to participate in some wedding preparation. Kendall rearranged the seating chart (It was already finished and finalized before she tore every name off of it).
We went out and had ourselves some Hot Dog On A Stick for lunch, it was delicious but more expensive then i remember it being.
The rest of the day was pretty laid back, i played some cards with Grandma while Kendall napped. I got to see my Uncle Glenn who looks EXACTLY like my dad. We had dinner there and then headed back over to my Aunts before it was time to check into the hotel.
Friday morning my parents took over Kendall while I had wedding things to do like getting our nails done and going to lunch.
After lunch, I drove my sister and I back to the hotel (my first driving experience in CA, thank goodness i didn't get lost) where we hung out the rest of the afternoon until it was time to go to the rehearsal. Which was followed by the dinner where I drank entirely too much wine.

My Saturday started at 5:30AM. I needed to shower before getting hair and makeup done at 6AM. It was an
extremely long day but it was nice just hanging out in the hotel suite getting pampered with all the other bridesmaids. The wedding started at 5PM and the
Angelos Golf Course it was outside and the weather turned out perfect (there was an expected rainstorm)
There was A LOT of talk that one of us girls were going to trip walking down to the aisle or let alone just standing up front, we had on these high heels with a very thin back that sunk right into the ground, luckily we walked both ways down the aisle with our chosen groomsman. None of us fell and as soon as we finished up pictures we had flip flops to change into.
Kendall did so well the whole time, she whined a lot from being in a new place and not getting lots of sleep, but she enjoyed playing in the hot tub with her dad. It was really cute watching them play together. I never got a chance to take her swimming but from the suite when we were getting ready i could see them playing from out the window.
Driving in CA even just being the passenger in the car gives me serious anxiety. We had a direct flight home last night that took about 2 hours, Kendall did really good then and fell asleep almost as soon as we took off. However she had drank a lot of juice and when she woke up(right before we landed) she peed all over herself and me. It was a fun trip but a lot harder on us then we realized it would be.